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Sexual selection within a sex
Ex. males fighting over access to females
Sexual selection between sexes
Ex. females being choosy, female birds liking the prettiest feathers
The difference in size between the gametes of males and females
Makes it so that a female’s fitness increases if she has a high quality mate while a male’s fitness increases if he has many mates
The smaller sperm will always outnumber the larger eggs in a population → competition between males to fertilize
Fisher’s principle on sex ratio
Explains why population sex ratio is 1:1
Negative frequency-dependent selection due to individuals of the rare sex realize greater reproductive opportunity than those of the more common sex.
Mating system
Males and females associating in some systematic way during breeding
One male and one female
Ex. some birds
Mainly happens if the male has low chances of finding another female, benefits from defending the female or the offspring require the care of both parents.
One female and multiple males
Ex. honeybees
Benefits include: fertility insurance, good genes, genetic compatibility, more resources, protection and care as well as infanticide reduction.
One male and multiple females
Ex. elephant seals, gorillas
Maximizes the male’s fitness
Female defense, resource defense, lek or scramble competition
Polygynandry (promiscuity)
Both sexes have multiple partners
Ex. chimps, pigs
Operational sex ratio
the ratio of sexually active males to sexually receptive females