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Great Wagon Road
a road in the Appalachians, formerly an Iroquois path, that was eventually traveled by thousands of settlers
Daniel Boone
a Kentuckian woodsman who was hired to work on the Wilderness Road
Cumberland Gap
a natural passage through the mountain barrier
Wilderness Road
a westward expansion of the Great Wagon Road
National Road
the first federally funded highway, which went from Cumberland, Maryland to Vandalia, Illinois
additional roads that were built by private companies hoping to make a profit
large, steam powered boats that could easily paddle upstream
Robert Fulton
credited with building the first commercially successful steamboat in 1807
a shallow, manmade water highway that connects two bodies of water
water compartments that can be opened and shut
Erie Canal
opened in 1825 and connected the Hudson River with Lake Erie
Peter Cooper
built the first major trial of a railroad, the Tom Thumb
pony express
began in 1860 and lasted for a year and a half; riders carried the mail on horseback from St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California
Samuel F. B. Morse
an American artist who solved communication problems by inventing the telegraph
Industrial Revolution
A period during the late eighteenth century when machine power was substituted for human power, making it more economical to manufacture goods in factories than at home.
factory system
Collected many workers in one place, where they turned out many similar items in one day.
Samuel Slater
"Father of the American Factory System," British mechanic that memorized British textile machines and reproduced them in America.
Francis Cabot Lowell
A New England cloth maker, organized a mill town for girls in Waltham, Massachusetts.
Elias Howe
Patented a hand cranked sewing machine in 1846.
Isaac Singer
Patented a foot powered sewing machine in 1851.
interchangeable parts
An improvement of the factory system by inventor Eli Whitney. Producing large numbers of each part via molds.
mass production
Process of making large quantities of a product quickly and cheaply
labor union
An organization of workers that tries to improve working conditions, wages, and benefits for its members.
John Deere
American blacksmith that was responsible for inventing the steel plow. This new plow was much stronger than the old iron version; therefore, it made plowing farmland in the west easier, making expansion faster.
Cyrus McCormick
American inventor and industrialist, he invented the mechanical reaper and harvesting machine that quickly cut down wheat.
A machine that cuts grain in a field.
Eli Whitney
American inventor of the cotton gin
cotton gin
A machine for cleaning the seeds from cotton fibers, invented by Eli Whitney in 1793
Robert Gray
An explorer and captain, he was the first American to engage in the new fur trade.
Commodore Matthew Perry
Successfully attempted to secure a trade treaty with Japan in 1854.
A sailing vessel designed for increased speeds developed in the 1840's.
William Ellery Channing
A persuasive Unitarian preacher and writer in Boston.
A philosophy that believes man is divine and can rely on himself alone.
A philosophy which placed a great emphasis on emotion and intuition.
Second Great Awakening
A spiritual revival that began in American colleges (starting with Yale), and camp meetings on the frontier, that resulted in many salvations.
Timothy Dwight
Grandson of preacher Jonathan Edwards, began a revival at Yale University when he, as President of the University, began teaching Bible doctrine.
Charles Finney
Famous revivalist of the 2nd Great Awakening who watered down doctrine to win converts.
camp meetings
Revivals in Kentucky and Tennesse, which were at that time the frontier and considered the "west."
Horace Mann
Developed the first public high schools in Massachusetts in the 1820's.
Those who wanted to abolish slavery.
Lucretia Mott
One of two of the most famous female abolitionists who decided to call for women's rights. Helped organize the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
One of two of the most famous female abolitionists and leaders of the women's right movement. She, with Lucretia Mott, organized the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848.
Seneca Falls Convention
A meeting in New York to discuss women's rights.