(1865-1877) When the Union was restored after the Civil War; important changes were made to the federal Constitution, and relations between the races were transformed in the South.
Freed people
Former Slaves
-Reconstructing the Union
-Defining the rights of freed people
During Reconstruction, Republicans turned their attention to what two things?
Radical Republicans
Group within the Republican Party during the Civil War and Reconstruction that advocated for abolition of slavery, citizenship for the former slaves, and sweeping alteration of the South.
Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner
Who were two prominent radical republicans who argued for racial integration in schools?
Republicans who favored some reforms but not all the Radicals’ proposals
“With malice towards none”
What was Lincoln’s quote that sums up his stance on Reconstruction?
The Ten Percent Plan
What was the Proclamation of Amnesty that Lincoln issued on December 1863 called?
-Full pardon and rights to those who swore allegiance to the Union
-Once those in a state amounted to 10% of the votes casted by the state in the 1860 election, the pardoned voters were to write a new state constitution and resume self-governance.
What were the two aspects of the Ten Percent Plan?
Appoint military governors
What was the first thing Lincoln would do when the Union Armies occupied southern states?
Thirteenth Amendment
Constitutional Amendment, ratified in 1865 that abolished slavery in the U.S. and its territories.
Andrew Johnson
Elected Vice President in 1864, became President after Lincoln’s death, and was impeached but not removed from office.
States rights
Andrew Johnson was highly committed to ______ and opposed Radical republicans objective of a powerful federal government.
States Rights
Position favoring limitation of the federal government’s power and maximum self-governance by states.
Appointed provisional civilian governors for the southern states not already reconstructed.
What did Andrew Johnson do to reconstruct the South?
AR, LA, and TN
What states followed the Ten Percent Plan?
All southern states rejected black suffrage
Through southern states’ constitutional conventions, all southern states ratified the 13th Amendment, renounced secession, and repudiated their state’s war debts. What did all southern states refuse to do?
June 19, 1865- Slaves freed in Texas
Freedmen’s Bureau
Agency established in 1865 to aid former slaves in their transition to freedom, especially by administering relief and sponsoring education.
Communities, schools, and fraternal orders, and benevolent societies
During Reconstruction, African Americans created their own what?
What became the most prominent social organizations in African American communities?
Recognition of their equal rights as citizens
In politics what was African Americans first objective?
40 Acres + Mule
Field Order issued by George Sherman in January 1865 that set aside the Sea Islands and land along the SC coast for freed families. Andrew Johnson overturned Sherman’s order
Due to a lack of capital, what farming practice emerged across much of the South?
Crop Lien
Legal claim to a farmer’s crop, based on the use of crops as collateral for extension of credit by a merchant
Many southern families found themselves trapped by sharecropping and debt.
What was the result of sharecropping and Crop Lien’s in the south?
They hated the north
Following Reconstruction how did white southerners feel about the North?
(T/F) Distrust had always existed between large-scale and smaller farmers in the south.
Black Codes
Laws passed by the southern states after the Civil War limiting the civil rights of freed people and defining their status as subordinate to whites.
Ku Klux Klan
Secret society organized in the South after the Civil War to restore white supremacy by means of violence or intimidation
Civil Rights Bill of 1866
Bill that stated all persons borne in the United States are citizens. Andrew Johnson vetoed it, but he was over-rided by Congress
Constitutional Amendment
Republicans worried that the Civil Rights Act of 1866 could be amended or repealed by a later Congress so they wanted to make it a _______
14th Amendment
The Civil Rights Act of 1866 turned into what?
14th Amendment
Defining American citizenship and rights and restricting state authority and the political activities of former Confederates.
Radical Republicans
What political group fought with Andrew Johnson over Reconstruction?
Military Reconstruction Act
Act that Divided the Confederate States into 5 military districts. Congress over-rode Andrew Johnson’s veto of this.
Command of the Army Act
Specified that the president could issue military orders only through the General of the U.S. Army
Tenure of Office Act
Act specified that officials appointed with the Senate’s consent were to remain in office until the Senate approved a successor, thereby preventing Andrew Johnson from removing federal officials who opposed his policies.
Military Reconstruction Act, Command of the Army Act, and Tenure of Office Act
What were the 3 Reconstruction Acts that Andrew Johnson fought with Radical Republicans over?
Edwin Stanton
Andrew Johnson directly challenged the Tenure of Office act and removed who from being Secretary of War?
He violated the Tenure of Office Act
Why was Andrew Johnson impeached?
Republican- U.S. Grant
Democratic- Horacio Seymour
Who was the democratic and republican candidate for the presidential election of 1868?
Ulysses S. Grant
Who won the election of 1868?
In order to continue to win presidential elections and enjoy majorities in Congress
Why did Radical Republicans want to secure voting rights for all African Americans especially in the south?
15th Amendment
Constitutional amendment ratified in 1870, that prohibited states from denying the right to vote because of a person’s race or because they had been a slave.
Civil Rights Act of 1875
Law passed by Congress in 1875 prohibiting racial discrimination in selection of juries and in business open to the general public. Brainchild of Charles Sumner
Black Reconstruction
The period of Reconstruction when African Americans took on active roles in state and local government.
Republican Party
Nearly all African Americans in politics were in what party?
Derogatory term for the northerners who came to the South after the Civil War to take part in Reconstruction
Hoped to transform the south by creating new institutions
Derogatory term for white southerners who aligned themselves with the Republican Party during Reconstruction
Free public education
What was the most enduring legacy of Black Reconstruction?
Built railroads
What did Republicans do in the south to encourage economic growth and development?
To show unity- he was from the south
Why was Andrew Johnson chosen as Lincoln’s Vice President?
Strategy adopted by some leading southern Democrats of cooperating with some Reconstruction measures on the hope of winning compromises favorable to their party.
New Departure
Southern Democrats who hoped to bring the Democratic Party back into power and to suppress black reconstruction
Republican Party
By 1872, nearly all southern whites had abandoned what political party?
Mississippi Plan
Use of threats, violence, and lynching by MS Democrats in 1875 to intimidate Republicans and bring the Democratic Party to power.
Republicans- Rutherford B. Hayes
Democrats- Samuel J. Tilden
Who did the republicans and democrats nominate as candidates in the election of 1876?
Electoral votes were disputed in the 1876 election
Why did the Compromise of 1877 occur?
Compromise of 1877
Republicans gained the presidency, and the southern Democrats received some concessions .
All federal troops were withdrawn from the south.
What was the first thing Hayes ordered as president?
Democrats, the party of white supremacy controlled every southern state
What was the result of the withdrawal of all federal troops from the south?
Growth of industry, the emergence of big business, and the development of the west.
After the election of 1876, Instead of focusing on black suffrage, Americans focused on what?
-establish new systems of politics and race relations
-dismantle reconstruction policies
-eliminate black participation in politics
After 1877, southern democrats moved to do what in the south?
After 1877, what political party had complete control of the south?