Chapter 30 - Rebellion and Reaction (the 1960s and 1970)

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Civil rights activism

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Civil rights activism

________ inspired a heightened interest in social causes during the sixties, especially among the young.

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Stonewall riots

The ________ in New York City in 1969 marked a militant new era for gay rights.

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In 1968, ________ campaigned for the presidency pledging to secure "peace with honor" in Vietnam, but years would pass before the war ended.

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Richard Nixons southern strategy

________ "drew conservative southern white Democrats into the Republican party.

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During the 1972 presidential campaign, burglars were caught breaking into the Democratic partys national campaign headquarters at the ________ complex in Washington, D.C. Nixon tried to block congressional investigations, which eventually led to calls for his impeachment for obstruction of justice.

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Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

________ embodied the New Left ideology, and their ideas and tactics spread to many other campuses.

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Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Nixon did grudgingly support new federal environmental policies such as the creation of the ________.

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Paris Peace Accords

The publication of the Pentagon Papers in 1971 and the intense bombing of North Vietnam in December 1972 aroused more protests, but a month after the bombings began, North and South Vietnam agreed to a cease-fire called the ________.

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