Biased (adj)
Preferring one thing to another in a way that is unfair : thiên vị
Synonyms: tendentious, partisan
Antonyms: fair, impartial
Cynical (adj)
Sm who is cynical believes that ppl care only about themselves and arent sincere or honest, or expect things not to be successful or useful : đa nghi
Synonyms: skeptical, hard-bitten, hard-boiled
Antonyms: optimistic, credulous
Deduce (v)
To know sth as a result of considering the information or evidence that you have : suy luận
Synonyms: glean, presuppose, surmise
Antonyms: misconstrue, misconceive
Deliberate (v)
To think abt or discuss sth very carefully, especially before making an important decision: cân nhắc, thảo luận kĩ
Synonyms: mull over, contemplate, reflect
Antonyms: abstain, disregard, neglect
eg. Our group deliberated the whole day before finalizing a topic to present.
Deliberate (adj)
Done consiously or intentionally : cẩn thận, chủ tâm
Synonyms: calculated, laborious
Antonyms: unintentional, heedless
eg. The cat’s deliberate movement shows it’s eyeing its prey carefully.
Dilemma (n)
A situation in which you have to make a difficult decision: tình thế tiến thoái lưỡng nan
A difficult situation or problem
Synonyms: quandary, conundrum, plight
Antonyms: solution, simplicity
eg. He faced the dilemma of pursuing his studies or dropping out to help his family.
Discriminate (v)
To treat smo unfairly because of their religion, race, etc : biệt đối xử
To recognize the difference between things : phân biệt
Synonyms: segregate, contra distinguish
Dubious (adj)
Not completely good, safe or honest : đáng ngờ
Not sure abt the truth or quality of sth : hồ nghi
Dubitation, dubiety, dubiousness (n) sự nghi ngờ
Synonyms: fishy, equivocal, sus
Antonyms: in dubious, aboveboard, trustworthy
eg. The report was filled with dubious claims that raised questions about its reliability.
Guesswork (n)
The process of trying to find the answer to sth by guessing, or the answer found bt using this method : sự phỏng đoán
Synonyms: guess, conjecture, a shot in the dark
Ideology (n)
A system of ideas and principles on which a political or economic theory is based : hệ tư tưởng
ideologue (nhà tư tưởng)
Synonyms: dogma, theory, beliefs
ig. This position seems incompatible with a political ideology claiming ethical and moral superiority.
Utopianism (n)
The belief in or pursuit of a state in which everything is perfect, typically regarded as unrealistic or idealistic: chủ nghĩa không tưởng
Utopian (adj không tưởng)
Utopia (~heaven on earth)
ig. It's a nice place to live, but it's no Utopia.
Ingenious (adj)
An ingenious plan, equipment, etc uses new and clever ideas : khéo léo, tài tình
Genius (n)
Synonyms: skrewd, sly, intelligent
Naive (adj)
One who lacks experience of life and tends to trust other ppl and believe things too easily : ngây thơ
Naivate (n)
Synonyms: innocent, guilible
Antonyms: sophisticated
Plausible (adj)
Likely to be true, honest or suitable: hợp lí, đáng tin
Plausibility (n)
Plaudit (n ~ a praise/ approval)
Synonyms: conceivable, probable
Antonyms: implausible, irrational
Query (n,v)
(n) A question that you ask bcz you want information or bcz you arent certain abt sth : câu hỏi, điều thắc mắc
(v) To ask or to be asked
Querulous (adj - complaining in a petulant or whining manner)
Synonyms: inquiry, question
Conscientious (adj)
Working hard and being careful to do things well : chỉn chu
Conscience (n - sense of right or wrong)
Synonyms: diligent, sedulous
ig. They are indeed conscientious when it comes to studying. They’re always getting full marks.
Amend ( v)
To make changes to a doc, law, agreement, etc especially to improve it : cải thiện, sửa đổi
Amendable (adj)
Amendment (n)
Synonyms: alter, modify, revise
ig. All reports should be amended in case of unwanted mistakes.
Conservative (adj)
(adj) Not willing to much changes, especially in the traditional values of society: bảo thủ
Synonyms: dyed in the wool, orthodox, old-fashioned, true blue(n)
Conservative (n)
(n) A person who is averse to change and holds traditional values
Synonyms: true-blue
ig. Conservatives often resist new ideas and prefer to maintain established customs.
dynamic (adj)
(of the process or system) Continuously changing, growing or developing : năng động, hay biến đổi
(of a person) in attitude and full of energy and new ideas.
novel (adj)
new or unusual : mới lạ
Synonyms: trailblazing, imaginative, state-of-the-art, neoteric
ig. There was a round of applause for the novel innovation.
radical (adj)
doing sth new and very different from the the usual way : triệt để
status quo (n phr)
the present situation or the way things usually are : tình trạng hiện tại
uniform (adj)
eg. Teachers tend to expect a uniform manner of all their students.
the same everywhere : giống nhau
anachronism (n)
eg. Slavery has long been an anachronism.
Not suitable for or relevant to modern times : vật ko đúng niên đại, việc lỗi thời
chronological (adj)
eg. The paintings were arranged in chronological order.
arranged or described in the order in which the events happened : theo trình tự thời gian
elapse (v)
if time elapses, it passes : trôi qua
instantaneous (adj)
eg. After we won, we were met with instantaneous applause and cheers.
immediate : tức thời
interim (adj)
eg. Let’s stick to this interim plan till our next meeting.
intended to do sth temporary : lâm thời, tạm thời
interim (n)
ig. In the interim, i’ll check up on my dog.
Syn: meantime
the intervening time: the period between sth temporary and when permanent or final : thời gian chuyển tiếp