Political Parties

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Advocates positive change and supports government intervention for societal progress.

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Upholds traditional values and favors limited government intervention in societal affairs.

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Federalists and Anti-Federalists

Federalists supported the Constitution and were considered liberal, while Anti-Federalists backed the Bill of Rights and were seen as conservative.

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Advocates for states' rights, strict interpretation of laws, and opposes a national bank, often associated with France supporters.

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First Political Parties

Democratic-Republican (Republican) led by Jefferson, focused on Southern interests and isolationism, while Federalists led by Hamilton supported loose interpretation, a National Bank, and were aligned with Britain.

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Death of the Federalists

Occurred after the War of 1812, marked by the Hartford Convention and the decline of Federalist influence.

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“Era of Good Feelings”

Period following the War of 1812 characterized by political unity and dominance of the Republican Party.

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Election of 1824

John Quincy Adams (National Republican and Liberal) vs. Andrew Jackson (Democrat), marked by the Corrupt Bargain.

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Whig Party

Formed in opposition to Jackson, fought over the Second National Bank, and eventually dissolved.

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Democrats remained conservative, Republicans were progressive, and Radical Republicans pushed for further progressivism.

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The Gilded Age

Marked by political and economic conservatism, with Democrats and Republicans both leaning conservative.

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Populist Party

Emerged to represent working-class and farmer interests during the Gilded Age but did not win elections.

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The Progressive Era

Characterized by political and economic progressivism, with leaders like Teddy Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson.

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Roaring Twenties

Saw a return to conservatism under Harding, Republican dominance, and the onset of the Great Depression in 1929.

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New Deal

Initiated by Franklin Roosevelt, ushered in the Liberal Era (1932-1965) with Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson as key figures.

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Rise of Conservatism (1980-2008)

Period marked by conservative presidents like Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush, with Clinton being the lone Democrat.

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Obama Presidency (2008)

Attempted to embody true progressivism in response to the preceding conservative era.

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