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high-pressure limit causes
ventilator asynchrony (pt fighting the ventillator), kink or compressed tubing (pt biting on ET tube), increased resistance (bronchospasm), decreased compliance (ARDS, pulmonary edema, atelectasis, pneumonia), coughing, secretions, gagging.
high-pressure limit interventions
Clear secretion and increase sedation, reassure the patient, unkink tubing or reposition patient, give bronchodialator, assess breath sounds, obtain CXR
low-pressure limit causes
Ventilator is paritally or completely disconnected, loss of airway, or cuff leak (pt is speaking or grunting).
interventions for low-pressure limit
Check connections, confirm ET position with CXR and confirm adequate TV. Reinflate the cuff.
causes for apnea
Respiratory arrest, oversedation, loss of airway, chang in patient condition.
interventions for apnea
Either decrease sedation, analgesics, reverse sedation or analgesia, either confirm placement of ET tube or reintubate.
low Vt (minute ventilation) causes
Change in patient’s breathing, loose connection/leak in circuit, ET tube cuff leak.
low Vt (minute ventilation) interventions
Assess respiratory and neurologic status, reduce sedation, assess vent for circuit leaks, confirm cuff is adequately inflated.
low battery/ventilator inoperative causes
Malfunction or unplugged.
low battery/ventilator inoperative interventions
Ensure mechanical ventillator is properly plugged into power source, use bag-valve mask to ventilate until machine is properly functioning.