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selecting bhvr to be increased
specific bhvr, if possible select one that will come under reinforcement of natural consequences, gather baseline data
selecting the reinforcer
complete reinforcer survey, select reinforcers that are readily available, can be presented immediately, can be used over and over, does not require a lot of time to consume
applying positive reinforcement
tell individual about plan before starting, reinforce immediately, describe desired bhvr to the individual while reinforcer is given, use lots of praise and contact, to avoid satiation mix it up
weaning from program
if bhvr has been occurring at desirable rate, slowly eliminate tangible reinforcers and maintain with social reinforcement
look for reinforcers in natural environment that might maintain bhvr once it has been increased
to ensure bhvr is being reinforced occasionally, plan periodic assessments of bhvr after program has finished
backup reinforcers
a reinforcer that a conditioned reinforcer can be exhanged for, they give conditioned reinforcers (e.g., tokens, money, points) their power
conditioned reinforcer vs backup reinforcer
conditioned reinforcer = learned through being paired with other reinforcer (e.g., you learn that money gets you thing you like), back up reinforcer (e.g., what you use the money on)
conditioned reinforcers that can be accumulated and exchanged for backup reinforcers
token system
bhvr modification program in which individuals can earn token for specific bhvrs and trade tokens in for backup reinforcers
token economy
token system implemented within a group
simple conditioned reinforcer
paired with a single backup reinforcer
generalized conditioned reinforcer
paired with more then one kind of backup reinforcer