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mass transport system
bulk movement of fluid in one direction
factors requiring mass transport system
SA:V ratio
metabolic rate
surface are to volume ratio
as the size increases the ratio decreases, as volume increases faster than surface area
unicellular organism
able to rely on diffusion across outer face membrane to supply oxygen and nutrients as large SA:V ration and low metabolic rate allow diffusion to be fast enough
large multicellular organism
diffusion across outer surface is not sufficient to provide all cels with oxygen and nutrients so require specialised exchanged surfaces and a mass transport system. due to small SA:V ratio, cells deep within and high metabolic rate
specialised exchange surfaces
increase surface area for exchange with enviroment eg alveoli in lungs and villi in small intestine
large multicellular organisms which have stomata in leaves to exchange gas, no need to further mass transport system for gas was short diffusion distance but is for water and mineral ions in the form of xylem and phloem
circulatory system
mammalian mass transport system composed of blood vessels (closed system) filled with blood which the heart pumps in one direction
double circulatory system
describes like this as blood is pumped by the heart twice in two circuits (pulmonary and systemic)
pulmonary circulation
circulation that transports blood to the lungs
systemic circulation
circulation that transports blood to the body
superoir vena cava
right pulmonary vein
right atrium
inferior vena cava
right ventricle
left pulmonary vein
left ventricle
left pulmonary vein
left ventricle
semilunar valve
right atrium
right atrioventricular valve which prevents back flow of blood form ventricle to the atria
right ventricles
ventricular septum
left ventricle
left atrio-ventricular valve
semilunar valve
left atrium
pulmonary artery
right ventricle to the left atrium
movement of blood in the heart via the lungs
left ventricle to the right atrium
movement of blood in the heart via the body
pulmonary artery to the pulmonary vein
blood vesicles the blood flows through from the heart to the the lungs and back
aorta to vena cava
blood vesicles the blood flows through from the heart to the the rest of the body and back
ventricular systole
ratio relax
ventricles relax to decrease volume and increase pressure, as pressure exceeds atria the atrioventricular valve close, making ‘lub’ noise
pressure continues to increase it exceeds pressure in arteries and opens semilunar valve and blood flows out
atria systole
ventricles relaxed
atria wall muscles contract to push any last blood out in ventricle (atrial kick)
both atria and ventricles relaxed
semilunar valves close ‘dub’ sound, prevents back flow of blood
atrioventricular valve open allowing atria and ventricles to passively fill with blood
atrial systole, ventricular systole
order of cardiac cycle after diastole
semilunar valve closes, as ventricle walls relax and pressure in ventricles drops below arteries, DUB sound
atrioventricular valve open, as both atrio and ventricle walls are relaxed so pressure of ventricle pressure falls below atrium
atrioventricular valve closes, as ventricle walls begin to contract increasing pressure in ventricles until it exceeds atrial pressure, cause LUB sound
semilunar valve opens, as pressure form ventricles exceeds pressies in aorta and pulmonary artery
atrial fibrillation
when atria start to contract out of time, contractions rapid and unsynchronised
atrial kick
topping up of the ventricles by contraction of muscle in walls of atria at end of diastole (ventricle receives 85% of blood from diastole and 15% from atrial systole but this increases with age)
elderly people
age where topping up of ventricles increases to closer to 35%
cardiac muscle
contains many mitochondria to produce ATP for contraction
property of cardiac muscle where it doesn’t require nerve impulses from neurone to initiate contraction
control rate of contraction
by frequency of nerve impulses in accelerator and vagus nerves and by hormones like adrenaline
2, 5, 6, 1, 3, 7, 4, 8
order statements for coordination of heart action:
atrioventricular node (AVN) in septum between the atria, detects the electrical impulse
sinoatrial node (SAN) or pacemaker, in the wall of the right atrium, initiates the heart-beat
After a short delay (to allow atria to contract), the electrical / nerve impulse travels down the bundle of His (through Purkyne tissue) in the septum to the base of the ventricles
Both ventricle walls contract together from the bottom upwards so blood is pushed upwards and out of the heart
SAN initiates an electrical / nerve impulse that spreads across the walls of both atria causing them to contract together
A band of non-conducting collagen fibres prevents the random conduction of the electrical / nerve impulse to the ventricles
The Purkyne fibres branch from the bundle of His and transmit the electrical / nerve impulse to the muscle in the walls of the ventricles
Purkyne fibres also carry electrical / nerve impulse to the papillary muscles, which contract to keep the chordae tendinae taut and prevent the atrioventricular valves inverting
Coronary heart disease
when arteries carrying blood to the heart muscle become narrowed or blocked
low density lipoproteins
responsible for narrowing of artery lumen, contain cholesterol, deposited in artery wall underneath endothelium
process when low density lipoproteins (LDLs) are engulfed by macrophages, accumulating forming a fatty plaque called atheroma which narrows the artery
sever chest pain from coronary heart disease
blood clot
formed from the atheroma breaking through endothelium, exposing collagen fires
heart attack
otherwise called a myocardial infraction, where a blood clot block the coronary artery, causes part of the tissue to be deprived of oxygen and dies, can cause death to individual
given intravenously to dissolve blood clots, it hydrolyses plasminogen to plasmin which breaks down fibrin and dissolves blood clots
inserted to artery to widen lumen to treat coronary heart disease, inflated by a balloon when in place
increase chance of CHD as high salt intake increase blood pressure, increased saturated fat/cholesterol intake increases its deposition in artery wall
increases chance of CHD as it increases damage to endothelium in arteries and therefore increases chances of atheroma developing
decreases chance of CHD by lowering blood pressure, blood cholesterol and chance of developing obesity
increases chance of CHD by raising blood pressure, increasing atheroma formation and chance of blood clots
some ethnic gropes are at higher risk of CHD eg afro-caribbeans
one is more at risk of CHD until menopause when there the same
heart rate
number of beats per minute (bpm)
stroke volume
volume of blood pumped out of the left ventricle each cardiac cycle (typically 60-80cm3)
calculated by = volume at end of ventricular diastole - volume at end of ventricular systole
cardiac output
volume of blood pumped out left ventricle each minute (4-8dm3min-1)
calculated by stroke volume x heart rate
able to measure volume of blood in left ventricle at 2 points in cardiac cycle, the end of ventricular diastole (most blood) and end of ventricular systole (least blood)
pulse rate
due to expansion of artery wall during ventricular systole and elastic recoil of artery wall as blood pressure drops during diastole
radial or carotid
artery in wrist and neck where pulse rate can be measured done for 15 seconds then multiplied
not used to measure heart rate as contains own pulse
effects heart rate as children have a faster heart rate
some people inherit a tendency to have a lower or higher heart rate or inherited diseases like cystic fibrosis
physical activity
heart rate increases in excursive and recovery, sustained her long term it can reduce heart rate as it becomes stronger
nicotine stimulates release of noradrenaline which increases heart rate
eating fruit and veg is believed to be beneficial to heart rate
strenuous exercise
increase heart rate and stroke volume so therefore cardiac output
starlings law
during excursive blood Is returned to heart quicker as contracting muscle compresses veins
greater volume of blood enters ventricles during diastole stretching muscular walls of ventricles
cardiac muscle contracts more forcefully causing a greater volume of blood to be pumped out the heart
increases heart rate
due to more frequent nerve impulses along accelerator nerve to SAN
very high heart rate
decreases cardiac output as there is insufficient time for blood to enter ventricles during diastole so stroke volume decreases
used to achieve a lower resting heart rate as stroke volume and cardiac output increase due to stronger more efficient cardiac muscle
investigate heart rate
by measure pulse rate before and after exercise at a give intensity, evaluate data with a paired
t-test, at least 10 similar age participants, ensure no health conditions
shows changes in heart during cardiac cycle, displayed as an ECG
t wave
recovery from electrical activity in ventricles, atria and ventricles relax, small hump at end of ECG
QRS complex
detection of electrical impulse by AVN, transmission of impulse down septum and through ventricle walls that then contract, 2 dips and a big peak on ECG
p wave
spread of electrical impulse from SAN through atrial walls that then contract, small hump at start of ECG
very slow resting heart rate (40-60bpm) gap between each peak in race is long, causing a long gap between T wave and P wave
high resting heart rate (above 100bpm) ECG shows little gap between one t wave and next p wave
heart attack
blood supply to part of heart muscle is blocked trough and peaks become less distinct and not as regular, S-T portion of ECG is higher (S-T elevation)
atrial fibrillation
wall of atria contract in unsynchronised manner that prevents filling of ventricles, unclear p wave
heart attack symptoms
heavy crushing pressure in chest spreading to jaw, neck and arm s
breathlessness, discomfort in stomach, profuse sweating, cold ashen looking skin, blue lips
rapid, weak irregular pulse, nausea, vomiting and unexpected collapse
4, 1, 5, 3, 2,
number statements for treatment of heart attack
Sit the person in W position (sitting up with knees bent)
Reassure and monitor breathing rate / pulse rate until help arrives
Assist patient with any personal medication for angina (tablets or spray)
Call 999 and tell them you suspect heart attack
Give them 300mg aspirin tablet if available (check allergy, must be over 16)
cardiac arrest
when the heart is no longer performing any useful function to circulate blood around the body, either ventricular fabulation (no effective movement of blood out heart) or atrial fibrillation (insufficient filling of ventricles)
treat cardiac arrest
lie down and perform CPR until emergency services arrive, a trained first aider can use a defibrillator to shock the heart out of fibrillation
6, 3, 8, 7, 9, 1, 2, 4, 8
order the process of CPR:
After each compression release all the pressure on the chest without losing contract between the hands and the sternum
Aim for a rate of about 100 compressions per minute (count out loud)
Check for breathing by tilting the head backwards
Do 30 compressions then give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, also known as Expired Air Resuscitation (EAR), twice
Continue 30:2 procedure until help arrives
Immediately ring for help, don’t leave patient and constantly reassure them
Keep your elbows straight and press down vertically, bring your bodyweight over your hands to make it easier
Place heel of one hand in the centre of the victim’s chest and heel of the other hand on top of the first interlocking your fingers together.
Press down firmly and quickly to about 4 to 5 cm downwards, relax and then repeat the compression.
expired air resuscitation
process of; laying erosion on back, tilting their head back and lift their chin, gently pinch soft part of nose closed, open mount keeping chin lifted, take a deep breath and place lips around person mouth, (get a good seal), breath out and watch chest rise and fall and repeat
defibrillator use
place the two pads on chest in a diagonal line with the heart in the middle, machine reading will show if heart is fibrillating, an electric shock is applied to momentarily to stop chaotic electrical activity and heart can recover coordinated rhythm