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Evolutionary Psychology
The study of the evolution of behavior and the mind, using the principles of natural selection.
Ancestral Path
The historical lineage that influences why humans share certain traits and behaviors.
Mating Preferences
The differing reproductive strategies of males and females influenced by natural selection.
The proportion of variation among individuals that can be attributed to genetic differences.
Enriched Environment
An environment that promotes brain development, as shown in Rosenzweig's studies with rats.
Dendrite Growth
The process where neural networks begin to form in response to early experiences.
Cultural Evolution
The ability of humans to evolve culture, which includes shared behaviors, ideas, and values.
Gender Identity
How a person views themselves in terms of gender.
The acquisition of traditional masculine or feminine roles.
Gender Schema Theory
The theory that individuals learn a cultural "recipe" for gender roles.
Social Learning Theory
The theory that social behavior is learned through observation and imitation.
Behavior Genetics
The study of the interplay between heredity and environment in determining individual differences.
Threadlike structures made of DNA that contain genes, with humans having 46 total.
A complex molecule that contains genetic information and makes up chromosomes.
The biochemical units of heredity that can be active or inactive, influencing traits and behaviors.
Environmental Influences
Non-genetic factors that affect behavior, including prenatal nutrition and social surroundings.
Twin and Adoption Studies
Research methods used to understand the effects of genetics and environment on behavior.