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Any process done to fiber, yarn, or fabric before or after fabrication to alter appearance, hand, or performance.
Specialized facilities finishing goods for mills without owning them.
Permanent Finish
Lasts the item's life, e.g., Mercerization.
Temporary Finish
Lasts until washed, e.g., Calendaring.
Durable Finish
Lasts product life but effectiveness diminishes, e.g., Wrinkle Resistance.
Greige Goods
Fabrics produced but not finished.
Finish Goods
Fabrics treated with finishing operations.
Foam Finishing
Uses foam to apply finishing chemicals.
Water Bath Finishing
Finish chemical applied in water solution.
Solvent Finishing
Finish chemical applied in a solvent.
Applies tension to fabric during drying.
Treating cellulosic fabric or yarn with alkali.
Run (of fabric)
Quantity of fabric processed simultaneously.
Batch (of fabric)
Specific quantity processed together.
Removing foreign matter from fabric before finishing.
Burning fiber ends on fabric surface.
Treating wool with sulfuric acid to remove plant matter.
Batch Processing
Processing a short length of fabric at once.
Napped Finish
Brushing fabric to raise fibers for a soft texture.
Anti Microbial Finish
Inhibits microorganism growth on textiles.
Aesthetic Finish
Alters fabric appearance and hand.
Functional/Performance Finish
Enhances fabric performance properties.
Back Filling Machine
Applies finish to one side of fabric.
Padding Machine
Applies dyes and finishes to fabric.
Glazed Finish
Fabric made smooth and shiny by calendering.
Fabrics with a wood grain appearance.
Burned Out Fabric
Chemical dissolves one fiber, leaving another.
Applying starch to improve handling properties.
Pounding fabric to flatten and smooth it.
Boil off
Boiling fabric to remove impurities.
Rubbing fabric to raise surface fibers.
Special Purpose
Fabrics designed for specific functionalities.
Reduction in fabric size due to various factors.
Adding halogens to fibers for properties.
Pre-cure Process
Finish before garment making.
Post-cure Process
Finish after garment making.
Silicone Based Compounds
Derived from silicone for fabric properties.
Waterproof Vs
Preventing water penetration vs. resisting absorption.
Moisture Management Finish
Enhances fabric's moisture-wicking ability.
Nano Finish
Uses nanoparticles for specific fabric properties.
Low Twist Yarns
Require more finish than high twist yarns.
Visual perception from light reflection or absorption.
Color Theory
Complex phenomenon combining various sciences.
Colors matching in one light source but not in another.
Bezold Effect
Colors merging into a new one based on distance.
Lab Dip
Sample for creative team review from dyehouse.
Insoluble color particles held on fabric surface.
Disperse Dye
Colors synthetic fibers by dispersing in water.
Direct Dye
Applied directly to textiles without a mordant.
Stages of Dyeing
Preparation, dyeing, and finishing stages.
Dyeing Characteristics
Fiber stage vs. garment stage differences.
Screen Printing
Technique forcing ink through a stencil onto fabric.
Traditional dyeing technique using wax resist on fabric.