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Define pathogen.
Microorganism/agent that produces diseases
single cell, no membrane bound organelles or nucleus
multicellular, enclosed nucleus, membrane bound by organelles
Are viruses considered to be living or nonliving? Why?
Not living because need a host to live and reproduce
Who was able to first observe cells?
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Who gave cells their name?
Robert Hooke
Who did the S-neck experiment?
Louis Pasteur
What did the S-neck experiment prove?
 Disapproved the idea of spontaneous generation (life comes spontaneously)
What are Koch’s Postulates?
sequence of steps relating microbes to specific diseases
When are Koch’s Postulates used?
studying to relate microbes to disease
Why are Koch’s Postulates important?
establishing causation between pathogen and diseases
Who was Edward Jenner?
Invented the first vaccination
What did Edward Jenner do?
Gave people cowpox (mild form of smallpox) to give people immunity to the smallpox virus
What field studies fungal infections?
Where do we find normal microbiota?
skin, eyes, large intestine, nose, mouth/throat, urinary, genitalia
Where do we not find normal microbiota?
bottom of lungs, blood
What are the domains categorized to microorganisms?
 Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya
Lower Case
What else is done to naming microorganisms?
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
First recognized in China in December
Severe acute respiratory
March 2020 was declared a
pandemic by the World Health Organization
Monkeypox (M pox)
Disease in humans: flu-like illness and painful rash
Virus is found in rodents and is endemic in humans in
west and central Africa
2022: outbreak in the United States and other
non endemic countries
Transmitted human-to-human by prolonged direct contact
Vaccine and effective chemotherapy is available
Zika virus disease
discovered in 1947 in Uganda
Human epidemics in Micronesia 2007, then in French
Polynesia and Brazil in 2013–2015
Spread by bite of an infected Aedes mosquito; also transmitted by sexual contact
Disease is typically mild, with fever, rash, and joint pain
Infection during pregnancy can result in severe birth defects
H1N1 influenza
Also known as swine flu
First detected in the United States in 2009 Declared a pandemic, or worldwide large-scale outbreak, by W H O in 2009
Avian influenza A (H5N1)
Also known as bird flu
Primarily in waterfowl and poultry
Sustained human-to-human transmission has not yet occurred
Antibiotic-Resistant Infections
1950s: Penicillin resistance developed
1980s: Methicillin resistance
1990s: M R S A resistance to vancomycin reported
Ebola virus disease
First identified in 1976 in Sudan and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Causes fever, hemorrhaging, and intravascular blood clotting
Transmitted via contact with infected blood or body fluids
2014 outbreak in West Africa; over 28,000 infected over two years, with one-third of cases causing death
2 vaccines available
 What are some of the roles microorganisms play in our lives?
Live in our intestines, help with digestion, and make vitamin B, Help prevent pathogenic bacteria from making a home on the body
 Define normal microbiota.
Microbes normally present in and on the human body
What was the theory of biogenesis?
Living cells can only come from other cells
Define Immunity
Protection from disease is provided by vaccination