Institutions and Development

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Definition of Institutions

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Definition of Institutions

  • We will use broad definitions

  • North - „rules of the game in society“

  • Lin and Nugent - set of humanly devised behavioural rules that govern and shape the interaction of human beings, in part by helping them to form expectations of what other people do

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Informal Institutions

  • Informal institutions – norms, customs, ethics – often may be related to culture

  • „Carriers of history“ – go through generation to generation

  • Reflect current set of values

  • Sanction are not by the state (private enforcement, moral condemnation, ostracism, loss of reputation)

  • Role of tribal chiefs, religious leaders…

  • Meaning of the institutions – shaping human behavior

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Formal Institutions

  • Formal ones – typically for example constitution, laws, regulation in general

  • They determine political, economic and enforcement system

  • They are being formed and enforced by the state – sanctions, fines, executions

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Relation between formal and informal institutions

  • Informal institutions play very significant role in shaping formal ones

  • Formal ones may in a long term shape informal ones

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Role of the Institutions

  • They structure incentives for human behavior

  • They raise certainty in the world of imperfect knowledge and different perceptions

  • As they shape behavior, they influence whole-society outcomes – the form of democracy and economic performance

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Impact of institutions on development

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Origin of Institutions

  • Institutions are never neutral, they have a „political origin“

  • They reflect ideas, values and interests of those who had created them (rational actors)

  • They are often outcome of a political bargain and compromises

  • In practice they may function differently from what was intended

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Institutional History

  • Current institutions in developing countries are often influenced by the institutions imposed by former colonial powers

  • Different types of settlement = different institutions?

  • Difference between North and South America

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Institutional Change

  • Institutions do not have a fixed character

  • Rapid changes are not usuall (unless there is a revolution)

  • Internal or external threats

  • Change of ideas or interests of the key players in society

  • Institutions are subjects to a long-lasting political struggle – the winner is able to change them

  • Some actors are more powerful to change institutions than others (poor, low-caste are weak)

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Virtuous vs. Vicious Circles

  • Acemoglu-Robinson – theory of institutional change

  • Virtuous circle – a positive change tends to bring more positive changes and brings new interests into play

  • Vicious circles – there are forces that keep the old system together

  • Interplay of political and economic institutions

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  • Set of traditions and institutions that create rules for performing of autority in a given country

    1. Processes by which the government is created, monitored and changed

    1. The capacity to govern – to formulate and implement politics

    1. Respect of the citizens to the government

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Separation of Powers

  • First made up by Montesquieau

  • Legislative, executive and judiciary branch

  • Several principles

  • Division of powers

  • Indipendence of powers

  • Balance of powers

  • None of the powers is accountable to the others

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Rule of Law

  • The state has to obbey its own laws – it has to act in accordance with the law

  • States gives the guarantees for justice

  • Judiciary branch oversees the executive one

  • Principle of legal certainty

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  • Basic law of the country

  • Sets „rules of the game“

  • Creates a basic legal framework, divides the powers between various actors

  • Rules of the competition for pover, its use, distribution and control over it

  • There are rigid constitutions and more changeable ones

  • Informal institutions like political culture play an important role in keeping the consensus on the basic rules

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Type of State and its organization

  • Unitary vs Federal – more centralized or less centralized organization

  • Presidential vs Parliamentary democracy – tips of the balance to one side or the other one

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Political Parties

  • Most common are mass based parties that try to agregate large number of votes

  • Free political competition legalizes their governance

  • Political parties serve as stabilizators of the regimes

  • Ethnic or regional parties might undermine the integrity of the state

  • Participation in the excersise of political power – either form government or opposition

  • Multiparty, two-party and single-party systems

  • Phenomenon of the pro-poor parties

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Function of State

  • Security

  • Clean and efficient bureaucracy necessary

  • Protection of property rights

  • Guarantee of the rule of law

  • Protection against economic shocks and provision of basic social security

  • Fight against corruption

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Worldwide Governance Index

  • Created by World Bank

  • Voice and Responsibility

  • Political Stability and Absence of Violence

  • Effectiveness of the Government

  • Quality of the Regulation

  • Rule of Law

  • Control of Corruption

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Protection of property rights

  • One of the basic functions of the state

  • Property rights are an incentive to investment and inovation

  • De Soto – inadequate property rights are slowing down development

  • In some states there is a problem with expropriation

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International Country Risk Guide (IRCG)

  • Measures the quality of the investment climate

  • It composes of 22 indicators:

  • Government Stability

  • Quality of Bureucracy

  • GDP Growth

  • Risk of Exproptiation

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Corruption Perception Index

  • Created by Transparency International

  • Index made up by polls, opinions of experts

  • Why only perception – hard data are missing

  • Poor countries typically have highest CPI

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