Lecture: Biology of Memory and Forgetting

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switching station between STM and LTM; involved with explicit LTM

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Encodes sensory memory to STM; "sensory switchboard"

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involved with implicit memories, especially procedural

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Cerebral Cortex

outer covering of brain with job of holding memories

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Karl Lashley

Experimented with rats and cerebral cortex-- found that the cerebral cortex held memories

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Issues with the Hippocampus

Amnesia results from___

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Long-term Potentiation

Strengthening connections between neurons through learning and use [of neurons] ---- more efficiency = more receptor sites on neurons

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Storage Decay

Retention drops quick, then levels off [Ebbinghause Forgetting Curve]

<p>Retention drops quick, then levels off [Ebbinghause Forgetting Curve]</p>
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Anterograde Amnesia

Can't make new memories AFTER an injury/event-- implicit memory still intact

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Retrograde Amnesia

Disrupts memory stored prior to injurt or event (due to damage to memory-storage areas, not hippocampus)

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Proactive Interference

a way of forgetting-- old information interferes with new information

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Retroactive Interference

a way of forgetting-- new information interferes with old information

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Sigmund Freud

supported contreversial idea: idea of repression as a defense mechanism (hiding painful memories from concious mind)

  • believed that repressed memories can be recovered later

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Elizabeth Loftus

Challeged Freud-- focused on research showing malleability of memory

-- believed memories can be manipulated and changed over time

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