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Deuteronomy 21:22, 23
Cursed is anyone who hangs on a tree
Jerusalem Tradition
The Church's first creed?
Jesus' Brother
Number of witnesses after resurrection
Holy Spirit
Came with the early church's new life and power (Acts 2)
Christology of the early church
Jesus is the anointed prince of David, the humiliated, suffering servant (Isaiah 53), the LORD, the stone the builders rejected, our intercessor, and he will come again (parousia)
Jesus' second coming to consummate his church
Stephen's early involvement
A Greek Christian, became a "deacon-like" member of the early church, debated in the synagogues, accused of changing the laws of Moses and Blasphemy against the Temple, was stoned to death by Jewish authorities (Saul approved of this)
Effect of Stephen's death
Persecution broke out in Jerusalem causing followers of the Way (Christians) to leave the city and take the message of Jesus to other cities
Paul's pre-conversion view of Jesus
Jesus was in no way the Messiah because he was cursed (Deut. 21); the Messiah would have divine blessing and would be a military, political leader
Saul's conversion
Blinded by a bright light; Jesus spoke and asked why Saul was persecuting him; told him to go to Damascus and he would be told what to do
Who healed Saul in Damascus
Saul's immediate action after healing
After being baptized, Saul immediately preached the gospel
Who wanted to kill Paul in Damascus
The Jews (Jewish authorities)
Country Paul evangelized for 3 years
Paul's time in Arabia
Not a time of rest, but of preaching the gospel; King Aretas of Arabia wanted to get ahold of Saul because he was stirring up the people of Arabia
Biblical evidence for Christianity from God
The empty tomb, Jesus' post-resurrection appearances, disciples turned from being fearful to fearless, and Paul's conversion
Change in Paul's Christology
Jesus was the Messiah; salvation not by law-keeping but a gift (grace); the Way was the people of God; salvation available to Jews and Gentiles; The Christians' judgment has already taken place
Paul's new view of salvation
Salvation was by grace (gift), not by law-keeping
Pauls view of Salvation
was by grace (gift), not by law-keeping
Jesus is the head, the church the body
we are living in the "last" days right now
Holy Spirit
was being 'poured out' in the last days according to Joel 2
Eschatological judgment for Christians
salvation is now, because of the imputation of Christ's righteousness, believers have already been judged. In God's eyes, we are seen as righteousness
Age of promise
days of the OT prophecy of the coming of the Messiah are done
Age of fulfillment
Jesus has come as the Christ, redemption is available now we are not citizens of this world but the world to come Sojourners
Subject of WCF Ch. 1
Holy Scripture
Paul Conversion
a drastic change in a person's life
Timothy conversion
grew up hearing the gospel, not a huge change
Mankind without excuse
we can look at what God has made, His Creation
General revelation
we can know things about God by looking at what he has created
Special revelation
God provides knowledge of Himself through supernatural means through the written word. Apart from special revelation, we cannot know how one is to be saved.
Books not divinely inspired and part of the canon of scripture
Scripture necessity
Those things necessary for man's salvation
Understanding salvation
illumination by the Holy Spirit
Difference between general and special revelation
G- seeing what God had made, God has placed within mankind an instinct that there is a God (Calvin)
Reasons for needing Scriptures
to preserve and pass along God's truth, God can reveal Himself and His will, establish and comfort the church against the flesh
Criteria for NT canon
apostolicity, conform to the standard of the Christian faith, had to be used and accepted by the early church
Closed canon
nothing can be added to our written standard (scriptures)
the first form of the book with pages bound on one side (Bible)
Closed canon time - OT
OT law and history - 500 BC; OT Prophets - 200 BC; OT Wisdom literature - 100 AD
Closed canon time - NT
NT - 350-400 AD
Original Apostles
12 disciples/apostles, James (Jesus' brother), Paul