Practical 3

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<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

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55 Terms

<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: gastrocnemius

Origin: medial and lateral condyles of femur

Insertion: calcaneal tendon

Action: plantar flexion

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<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: gluteus maximus

Origin: sacrum

Insertion: gluteal tuberosity of femur

Action: hip extension

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<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: iliacus

Origin: iliac fossa

Insertion: lesser trochanter of femur

Action: flex hip

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<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: psosas major

Origin: L1-L5

Insertion: lesser trochanter of femur

Action: flex hip

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<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: rectus femoris

Origin: anterior inferior iliac spine

Insertion: tibial tuberosity

Action: extends leg

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<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: vastus lateralis

Origin: greater trochanter of femur

Insertion: tibial tuberosity

Action: extends leg

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<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: vastus medialis

Origin: linea aspera of femur

Insertion: tibial tuberosity

Action: extends leg

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: vastus intermedius

Origin: anterior femur

Insertion: tibial tuberosity

Action: extends leg

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: tibialis anterior

Origin: lateral condyle of tibia

Insertion: 1st metatarsal

Action: ankle dorsiflexion

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<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: deltoid

Origin: clavicle

Insertion: deltoid tuberosity

Action: abducts shoulder

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<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: biceps brachii

Origin: coracoid process of scapula

Insertion: radial tuberosity of radius

Action: elbow flexion

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<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: brachioradialis

Origin: lateral end of humerus

Insertion: radius

Action: flexes forearm

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: triceps brachii

Origin: posterior humerus

Insertion: olecranon process of ulna

Action: extends elbow

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: masseter

Origin: zygomatic arch

Insertion: ramus of mandible

Action: closes jaw

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: sternocleidomastoid

Origin: clavicle

Insertion: mastoid process

Action: neck flexion

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<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: temporalis

Origin: temporal fossa

Insertion: coronoid process of mandible

Action: closes jaw

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: trapezius

Origin: occipital bone

Insertion: spine of scapula

Action: shrugs shoulder

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: latissimus dorsi

Origin: iliac crest

Insertion: intertubercular sulcus of humerus

Action: shoulder extension

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: pectoralis major

Origin: sternum

Insertion: intertubercular sulcus of humerus

Action: arm flexion

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: Semitendinosus

Origin: ischial tuberosity of ischium

Insertion: proximal medial tibia

Action: flex knee

New cards
<p>What muscle is this (the 3rd line pointing/ muscle most medial)? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this (the 3rd line pointing/ muscle most medial)? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: semimembranosus

Origin: ischial tuberosity of ischium

Insertion: medial condyle of tibia

Action: flex knee

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: biceps femoris

Origin: ischial tuberosity of ischium

Insertion: fibular head

Action: flex knee

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: supraspinatus

Origin: supraspinous fossa

Insertion: greater tubercle of humerus

Action: stabilize shoulder

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: infraspinatus

Origin: infraspinous fossa

Insertion: greater tubercle of humerus

Action: stabilize shoulder

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: teres minor

Origin: lateral border of scapula

Insertion: greater tubercle of humerus

Action: stabilize shoulder

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: Subscapularis

Origin: subscapular fossa

Insertion: lesser tubercle of humerus

Action: stabilize shoulder

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: teres major

Origin: inferior angle of scapula

Insertion: intertubercular groove of humerus

Action: extends shoulder

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: pectoralis minor

Origin: anterior surface of ribs 3-5

Insertion: coracoid process

Action: helps with inspiration

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: rectus abdominus

Origin: pubic symphysis

Insertion: xiphoid process

Action: increases abdominal pressure

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<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Buccinator, whistles

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<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Frontal Belly, Raises eyebrows

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<p><br> What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Occipital Belly, pulls scalp posteriorly

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Mentalis, protrudes lip

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<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Orbicularis Oris, lip movement

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Orbicularis oculi, closes eyes

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<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Diaphragm, inspiration

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<p>What action does the external intercostals perform?</p>

What action does the external intercostals perform?


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<p>What action does the internal intercostals perform?</p>

What action does the internal intercostals perform?


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<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

External Oblique, Compresses abdominal wall

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<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Internal Oblique, compresses abdominal wall

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<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Serratus Anterior, Protracts and rotates scapula

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<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Transversus Abdominis, Compresses abdominal contents

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<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Zygomaticus Minor, Elevates upper lip

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<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Sartorius, Flexs hip

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<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Extensor digitorum longus, Extends toes

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Gracilis, Adducts thigh

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<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Soleus, Ankle Plantarflexion

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<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Brachialis, Flexes elbow

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Extensor Digitorum, Extends fingers

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Palmaris Longus, tenses skin of palm

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<p>What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?</p>

What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, Flexes Wrist

New cards
<p>What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?</p>

What muscle is this? What is an origin? What is an insertion? What is an action?

Muscle: zygomaticus major

Origin: zygomatic bone

Insertion: upper lip

Action: Smiles

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<p>What structure is this?</p>

What structure is this?

Illiotibial Band

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<p>What structure is this?</p>

What structure is this?

Linea Alba

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What muscle is this? What action does this muscle perform?

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