China ruled the region for hundreds of years
A rise in nationalism with political parties pushing for independence or reforms including the Ho Chi Minh indochinese communist party in 1930
Containment- the goal was to keep communism contained, or to keep communism from spreading
Domino theory- idea that if Vietnam fell to communism, the rest of Asia would follow
French struggled against Vietnam’s guerilla tactics ( hit and run and ambushes from irregular troops who blend in)
Anti-communist leader Ngo Dinh Diem loses support of his own people after persecuting Buddhism and crushed human rights
Kennedy sent Special Forces to help South Vietnamese military and know of plan to remove corrupt Diem
Diem is overthrown by military generals and executed soon after
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution: gave Johnson war powers to commit US troops without having congress declare war
Vietcong begins attacking American advisor bases in South Vietnam
1965- Johnson orders bombing against North Vietnam and first US combat troops into Vietnam
90% of war was fought in South Vietnam
U.S entered the war confident
Vietcong lacked the firepower of American forces and instead used ambushes, booby traps, and other guerilla tactics that were greatly destructive
the tunnels led to access to food, water, sleep, medical supplies, and munitions
Claymor’s- small disc that would explode when stepped upon. They were easily hidden on the ground. If someone stepped on the mine, their chances for survival are slim to none
Tripmines- Piano wire was strung across certain areas of the jungle. When tripped, several mines would go off at the same time
Punji Pits- a pit with sharpened bamboo sticks. The sticks would be positioned straight up at the bottom of a pit, sometimes covered with poisons or fecal matter
Punji Steps- sharpened bamboo sticks that were driven into the ground with a few inches sticking up.
Punji Runs- stakes driven through a tree - a trip line would be buried on the ground, a soldier would trip, get caught, and swung into the tree.
War of attrition- wear down the enemy through constant losses of soldiers and materials
Search and destroy- Look for Vietcong, burn villages, and kill animals. If there were many young men in the villages, then it was a friendly village.
Ho Chi Minh trail- the most popular trial. did not work well since most of the routes were in Laos and Cambodia
Napalm- Gel that sets the forest on fire
Agent orange- a defoliant that strips leaves off trees
Women did not serve in combat, suffered from prejudice, and PTS once home
African Americans were more likely to serve in combat and not become commissioned officers
Linkage: improving relations with the Soviet Union and China to persuade them to reduce aid to North Vietnam
Pentagon Papers: leaked to the NY times by an employee of the Department of Defense. Confirmed to Americans that the government was not being honest with them.
To force North Vietnam to resume negotiations, Nixon began the most destructive air raids of the war Christmas Bombings
Families were not convinced that the government was telling the truth about the POW/MIA policies
War Powers Act- Established limits on executive power requiring the president to inform congress of any commitment of troops abroad within 48 hours and to withdraw them within 60 to 90 days.
MLK is assassinated, and two months later, Robert Kennedy is too. A chaotic and publicized clash between the protestors and police at the Democratic National Convention. “ The whole world is watching”
Nixon wins the presidency—promises to unify the nation and restore law and order.