Why was War Communism introduced? (3 main reasons)
The ideological basis→ The long term aim of the Bolsheviks to abolish private enterprises and the application of communist ideology
The response to the reality of economic collapse→ The Bolsheviks had inherited an economy that was in a state of near collapse and drastic measures were needed if they were to fight and win the civil war e.g they needed to feed their army through food requisitions from the peasants
A reaction to early Bolshevik excesses→ Some of the Bolshevik early policies for giving control to the workers proved to be idealistic and unworkable
When was War Communism introduced?
During the Russian Civil War. June 1918.
What was it? (8 Key Features)
Nationalisation of all industry without compensation
All industry was placed under the control of the state
The reintroduction of hierarchal structures in industry
Harsh military style discipline was introduced into factories e.g. the death penalty was introduced for workers who went on strike
All private trading was banned
Money was replaced by bartering using goods and many workers received their wages in goods rather than money
The forcible requisitioning of food from the peasants in order to feed the army
Introduction of rationing
What was the negative impact of War Communism on the economy?
It left the economy in a state of collapse and by 1921 industrial production was only 1 fifth of the figure for 1913.
Life in Bolshevik cities under War Communism
What did most of the urban diet consist of?
Less than a third of the urban diet came from state provided rations; the rest came from the black market.
Life in Bolshevik cities under War Communism
Who were ‘bag men’?
Men who travelled between villages and cities selling their produce. The railway system was choked with bag men moving between cities. This caused chaos in factories as many workers were absent.
Life in Bolshevik cities under War Communism
What was ‘cigarette lighterism’?
Urban workers travelling into the countryside with goods to barter for food. Cigarette lighters featured in the products they made along with shoe soles made from conveyor belts, penknives, nails and ploughs made from iron bars.
Life in Bolshevik cities under War Communism
How did the Bolsheviks try to stamp out the free market under War Communism?
The Cheka raided trains to stop bag men travelling and they raided markets where goods were sold. But their attempts were futile as they could not be everywhere and it was easy to bribe officials.
Life in Bolshevik cities under War Communism
What were wages like?
Wages in 1919 were reckoned to be at 2% of their 1913 level and on average the urban worker spent ¾ of his income on food.
Life in Bolshevik cities under War Communism
How did they cope with the cold during winter?
In the winter of 1919-1920 some 3000 wooden horses in Petrograd were stripped to provide fuel.
Why was war communism so unpopular?
The system of rationing was disliked as the size of rations was dependent on the social classification a person was given. Members of the Red Army and industrial proletariat received the most whole members of the Bourgeoise received very little.
The use of managers and the return to a hierarchal system within the factories caused resentment among the industrial workers.
What was the Tambov Rising?
In central Russia the peasants reacted violently to requisitioning teams arriving in the area to seize grain. The revolt was only put down after 50,000 Red Army troops were sent into the area.