Microbial ecology exam 1

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Define microbial ecology

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Define microbial ecology

The study of how organisms interact in their environment

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Role of Mycobacterium vaccae

-activates immune cells which release cytokines

- increases serotonin production in mice

-by inhaling it while working outside, you get elevated serotonin levels and feel better

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Louis Pasteur

  • worked with fermentation and pasteurization

  • Discovered the Germ Theory of Disease

  • First microbial ecologist

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Robert Koch

  • discovered that bacillus causes cholera and anthrax

  • Developed pure culture paradigm

  • Introduced use of agar media for pure culturing

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Sergei Winogradsky

  • isolated nitrafying bacteria

  • described oxidation of H2S and Fe2+

  • coined chemoautotrophy

  • founder of soil microbiology

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Martinus Beijerinck

  • founder of the Dutch deft school of microbiology

  • Approached microbiology through the study of microbial ecology

  • 1st to isolate nitrogen fixing bacteria and isolated sulfur reducing bacteria

  • Coined microbial ubiquity

  • Recognized bacteria of major contribution to element transformation

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J. G. Lipman

  • established soil microbiology in the us

  • Established department of soil chemistry and bacteriology

  • Developed book: Bacteria in Relation to Country Life

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Albert Bernard Frank

  • botanist and mycologist

  • Coined term mycorrhizae to describe symbiotic relationship between trees and turtles

  • First to show that some fungi are symbiotic

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Selman Waksman

  • discovered streptomycin and neomycin

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  • Earthy flavor and aroma in soil

  • Ex. Source of strong scent from rain; gives beets earthy flavor

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Alexander Fleming

  • discovered lysozyme

  • Discovered penicillin

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Streptomyces spp.

  • filamentous bacteria

  • Phylum: Actinobacteria

  • Produces spores for reproduction

  • Responsible for earthy odor of soils

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Problems with penicillin

  • unstable at low and high pH

  • Only produced in small quantities even by prolific cultures

  • Fungus only grows well in soil media

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Dennis Parkinson

  • Importance of microbial-microfaunal interactions in soil processes

  • Fungal ecology of root zone

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Carl Woese

Discovered the third domain of life, archaea

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what is soil?

  • organic materials of various types and levels of decomposition

  • living microbes, plant roots, and soil animals (protozoans, mites, nematodes)

  • water

  • dissolved minerals

  • inorganic minerals and materials (sand, silt, clay)

  • atmosphere of various gases

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what is the composition of soil?

  • 25% water

  • 25% air

  • 45% minerals

  • 5% organic matter

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what are clays?

  • polysilicate complexes of silicon and aluminum

  • derived from the weathering of other rocks

  • sheet-like complexes that have a negative charge

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structure of soils

  • includes the formation of clay-organic material; microbe complexes that provide the matrix that is the soil

  • composed of a combination of microaggregates and macroaggregates

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what are the four major types of soil?

  • silt loam (15% sand, 15% clay, 70% silt)

  • sandy loam (15% clay, 20% silt, 65% sand)

  • clay (15% silt, 15% sand, 70% clay)

  • loam (20% clay, 40% silt, 40% sand)

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what are the 3 major soil horizons?

  • surface horizon (A)

  • subsoil (B)

  • substratum (C)

  • other types: organic horizon (O), master horizon (E), and hard bedrock (R)

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the three layers of the organic layer

  • litter layer: new plant material being deposited

  • fermented layer: fungi and bacteria decompose plant material

  • humus layer: organic matter that has been acted upon by microbes and converted to long-term carbon storage (important for nutrient storage)

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topsoil (A horizon)

  • composed of mainly minerals from parent material with organic matter incorporated; good microbial activity

  • may be up to 10 in. deep

  • very productive soils

  • in grasslands

  • bottom can be eluviated (leached out) with the loss of iron oxides and aluminum oxides

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subsoil (B horizon)

  • rich in minerals that leach from the A horizon

  • lower microbial activity

  • water storage for plants

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Parent material (C horizon)

  • material from which soil is formed

  • can be very deep if buried

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name the different soil types found in America

  • aridisols

  • entisols

  • mollisols

  • utisols

  • alfisols

  • inceptisols

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  • too dry for growth of mesophytic plants

  • accumulate gypsum, salt, and calcium carbonate (easily leached from more humid environments)

  • common in deserts

  • 12% of earth’s ice-free land surface

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  • little to no evidence of pedagonic horizon development

  • in areas of recently deposited parent material or areas where erosion rates are faster than the development of soil

  • in dunes, steep slopes and flood plains

  • 16% of ice-free land surface

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  • dark-colored surface horizon relatively high in content of organic matter

  • base-rich throughout, quite fertile

  • under grass in climates with seasonal moisture deficit

  • dry prairie soils; soils of dry climates that are hot during the summer

  • 7% of ice-free land surface

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  • in humid areas

  • acid soils; nutrients concentrated in upper few inches

  • formed from intense weathering and leaching processes that result in clay-enriched subsoil dominated by mineral such as quartz, kaolinite, and iron oxides

  • moderately low capacity to retain additions of limes and fertilizer

  • make up about 8% of earth’s ice-free land surface

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  • occur in semi-arid to moist areas

  • formed from weathering processes that leach clay and other constituents out of the surface layer and into the subsoil, where they can hold and supply moisture and nutrients to plants

  • formed primarily under forest or mixed vegetative cover and are productive for most crops

  • make up about 10% of earth’s ice-free land surface

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  • semi-arid to humid environments with moderate soil weathering and development

  • occur in diverse climates and have wide variety of characteristics

  • 17% of earth’s ice-free land surface

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all soils have ____ that determines their ability to capture and retain moisture

pore structure

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bulk density

  • the total space occupied by solids and pore spaces

  • influenced by the amount of soil organic matter and rocky substrates

  • influences soil moisture storage and microbial activity

    -soils with high bulk density have large pores

    -soils with low bulk density have small pores

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the weight of material taking up volume determines _____

bulk density

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what aspects of soils are influenced by soil structure?

  • water filtration

  • aeration

  • microbial activity

  • carbon sequestration levels

  • root growth

  • nutrient retention and conversions

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for most loamy soils, __% to __% of their volume are pores and only __% of their pores have to be air-filled to be aerobic

  • 50

  • 60

  • 10

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(T/F) the soil atmosphere has a higher concentration of CO2 than the regular atmosphere


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sources of higher CO2

  • microbial respiration

  • root respiration

  • microfaunal respiration

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the movement of gases in soil are dependent on:

  • size of soil pores

  • amount of pores that are water filled

  • solubility of gas in water

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(T/F) soils are very heterogenous in their atmosphere based upon their structure


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if soils are too wet, they quickly become _____ due to the slow diffusion of O2 into the soil structure and the solubility of O2 in water


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unsaturated soil

the pores do not contain much water

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saturated soil

water is stored in the pores; the pores are filled and the gravitational water is lost

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flooded soil

water is filling the pores and vegetation

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field capacity

the amount of available water for plant growth

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wilting point

no more water is available for plants

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gravimetric water content

  • the amount of water held in the soil pores against the pull of gravity

  • the larger the pores, the less water the soil can hold

  • the smaller the pores, the more water the soil can hold

    -however, as pores get smaller, it is harder for plant microbes to use that water

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permanent wilting point

the water content of the soil at which plants cannot extract any water and the plant does not recover from wilting

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water potential

  • the amount of soil water available to do biological work

  • measured as the force necessary to push water from the pores

  • WP= matric potential (MP) + gravitational potential (GP) + osmotic potential (OP)

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gravitational potential

  • the water pulled from soil by gravity

  • not important unless the soils have very large pores

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matric potential

  • the amount of energy needed to remove water from soil pores for biological activity by diffusion

  • the major determining factor

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how to measure soil matric potential

  • saturate soils to field capacity

  • add a pressure to see how much water is forced out

  • keep adding pressure until you cannot extract any more water

  • record water weight vs pressure added

  • matric potential is measure as a negative value in MPa

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(T/F) water potential is measured as a positive value - amount of force needed to push water from the pores


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what is the water potential of pure water?

0.00 MPa

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what is the range of WP that bacteria and fungi can be active in soil?

  • for bacteria: -0.03 to -0.10 MPa

  • fungi: -1.5 to -8.0 MPa

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what influences the size and densities of soil pores?

  • the amount of sand, silt and clay

  • the amount of soil organic matter

  • the amount of soil disturbance

  • the level of microbial activity creating soil organic matter

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what limits microbial growth?

  • temperature dynamics

  • oxygen levels

  • temporal and spatial variability of carbon

  • quality of carbon

  • temporal and spatial variability of ammonium and nitrate

  • concentration of iron

  • concentration of phosphorus

  • pH

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(T/F) bacteria are protein rich and require a high amount of nitrogen


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fungi are _rich and have a high _ percentage

  • lipid

  • carbohydrate

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humans have a macromolecule percentage similar to which type organism?


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what do the carbon:nitrogen ratios indicate?

the capacity of microbes to use different types of carbon sources

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what are the carbon:nitrogen ratios of bacteria, fungi, humans, wheat straw, and wood?

  • bacteria: 3:1 - 5:1

  • fungi: 15:1 - 20:1

  • humans: 25:1

  • wheat straw: 50:1

  • wood: 200:1 - 400:1

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fix carbon dioxide onto carbohydrates (plants, algae, and some bacteria - cyanobacteria)

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use previously fixed carbon for growth (most bacteria and all fungi)

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categories of carbon acquisition

  • saprophites: use dead organic matter

  • pathogens: colonize living host

  • symbiotic: obtain carbon from living hosts and provide benefits in return (Mycorrhizal fungi, Rhizobium, Frankia)

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  • use sunlight to generate ATP (photosynthetic bacteria)

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use oxidation/reduction or organic compounds (inorganic compounds for energy generation)

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use light energy and inorganic carbon to produce organic materials

  • photosynthetic bacteria


    -no fungi

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oxygenic photosynthesis

obtain reducing power from splitting of water

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  • use sunlight for energy

  • purple/green nonsulfur bacteria

  • strict anaerobes

  • cannot use carbon dioxide as sole carbon source; use some organic molecules for growth

  • use inorganic compounds for reducing power

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  • synthesize all organic compounds from carbon dioxide

  • use inorganic compounds for reducing power

  • found in soils, deep-sea thermal vents, hot springs

  • nitrifying bacteria crucial for soil

  • no fungi

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  • obtain carbon from previously fixed carbon and energy from oxidation/reduction of the organic carbon

  • all fungi

  • most bacteria

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the two types of controls on a population and community

  • bottom-up: limitations placed by resource availbility of carbon source, nitrogen, phosphorus, or habitat availability within a landscape

  • top-down: limitations place by factors controlling death, such as predation, disease or reoccurring disturbances, such as wave action or fires

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(T/F) viruses are the most abundant biological entities


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virus characteristics

  • must infect a host in order to replicate

  • viruses use top-down control

  • very simple, consist of only NA surrounded by a protein coat, capsid, and for some viruses by membranes and tails

  • have several types of morphologies

  • some of their shapes are determined by how capsid protein subunits are arranged to house the viral genome

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what are the two basic types of replication strategies for viruses?

  • lytic phase:

    -virulent viruses

  • lysogenic phase:

    -temperate phages

    -can be induced to become lytic

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the two ways to quantify viruses in natural environments

  • plaque assay

    -underestimates quantity due to issues of bacterial culturability

  • epifluorescence microscopy

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(T/F) virulent viruses have a larger effect in shaping host populations over longer periods of time

false; temperate viruses

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how can we estimate the number of lysogenic bacteria in a sample?

  • count viruses before and after the addition of mitomycin C or by exposure to UV light or both to induce the switch from lysogenic to lytic

  • an increase in viruses after the induction treatment indicates the presence of inducible prophages within the microbial community and is a proxy for the number of temperate viruses in that habitat

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microbial viruses control host densities via _____

density-dependent lytic-predator dynamics

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virus-like particles are ___ abundant at __ host densities

  • less

  • high

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temperate cycles become ___ abundant at ___ host densities

  • more

  • higher

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as viral and host densities ____, lysogeny resistance to superinfections become important


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(T/F) lysogeny can reduce predation by protists


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the ___ in lysogeny can lead to ___ nutrient cycling and lower ecosystem dynamics

  • increase

  • reduced

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(T/F) the host range for viruses is limited because the viruses infect its host by highly specific mechanisms


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viral lysis

  • viral lysis releases dissolved and particulate organic material because of the dependence of the virus on a functioning host

  • lysis by the virus releases the host’s cellular contents into the environment with little oxidation or mineralization

  • in soils, the released cellular contents may adsorb into surfaces

  • whereas, in aquatic habitats they may become part of the dissolved organic material (DOM) pool

  • viral shunt: the production of DOM by viral lysis and its subsequent use by microbes

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viruses and their role in nutrient cycling

  • in marine ecosystems, viruses play a significant role in the cycling of food molecules

    -marine viruses infect most phytoplankton, releasing their minerals in the upper water, where they are available for other phototrophs

  • viruses play an important role in carbon balance

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  • viruses that infect fungi

  • can be transmitted vertically via fungal spores and horizontally (hyphae anastonosis)

    -the horizontal mechanism involves the fusion of two fungal hyphae resulting in the exchange of genetic and cytoplasm material

  • don’t have to lyse cells in order to complete replication cycle

  • can affect the physiology of fungi

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free mycoviruses are not numerous because:

they can be transmitted from one fungus to another without being released as a free particle into the external environment

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(T/F) the chitin cell wall of fungi is one defense against infection by free mycoviruses, but it can not explain completely why fungi are resistant


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bacteria can take genes from other cells through which three mechanisms?

  • transformation

  • conjugation

  • transduction

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(T/F) infection by a virus can lead to new pathways that involve the conversion of non-pathogenic strains of bacteria to pathogenic strains


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  • gut bacteriophages that modulate human digestion, the immune system, and mental health

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what is an ecosystem?

  • specific location

  • interaction of all the organisms that exist and move in that location

  • ecosystems can be scale dependent

  • includes the abiotic environment

  • all of the attendant ecosystem services that exist as a consequence of interactions with the biotic and abiotic components of the environment

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what are some examples of how the biotic and abiotic environment interact?

  • temperature patterns

  • annual rainfall and weather patterns

  • soil type

  • wind, relative humidity

  • nutrient availability and amounts

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how do we study ecosystems?

  • look at primary productivity

  • examine trophic dynamics

  • examine carbon flow (energy)

  • examine nutrient dynamics

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what are crucial ecosystem services?

  • production of O2 from photosynthesis

  • fixation of CO2 into plant biomass

  • production of energy to support the environment

  • decomposition

  • nitrogen cycling

  • terrestrial water capture

  • clean-up of human waste

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what does the simplest functional terrestrial ecosystem consist of?

  • water

  • soil

  • primary producers

  • minerals

  • decomposers

  • air

  • energy (sunlight)

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