What is the sample rate?
Number of audio samples captured per second measured in hertz
How does sample rate affect file sizes?
More samples = more accurate reproduction = better quality = larger file sizes
What is the bit depth?
Number of bits available for each sample, the higher the greater the accuracy and quality
What is the bit rate?
quantity of data (bits) processed in a given time usually in kbps, the higher the more realistic
What is an analogue signal?
a continuous varying signal that represents a physical quantity e.g sound waves/ temperature
What is analogue to digital conversion?
Converting analogue signal into digital fata for a computer to store
Why do we need ADC?
Humans hear in analogue, whereas computers work in digital so they need to convert
Steps for ADC
Audio is captured via an input device e.g microphone
The sound travels as an electrical signal
Computer/ converter changes this signal into binary data
Software saves data as sound files with quality being determined by sample rate, bit depth and bit rate.
What are the units for frequency?