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sensory adaptation and example
-sensory receptors/neurons adjust to stimulus in the environment
-neurons cease to fire even though stimulus is present
ex: wearing clothes
taste- detects __ chemicals
smell- detects ___ chemicals
outmost layer
eye shape
window to bend light towards pupil
clear cells layer
need oxygen from tearsand nutrients from the aqueous humor.
choroid layer
middle layer
pigmented to prevent light from scattering
blood vessels
allows light into the eye
thin muscle
controls size of pupils
focuses image onto retina
ciliary muscles
attach to ligaments in lens to alter shape
innermost layer
rods and cones
black n white
sensitive to light
see in dark
low definition
periphereal vision
colour sensitive (red blue green)
high definition,
see in bright light
low sensitivity to light'
concentrated in Fovea Centralis
fovea centralis
most sensitive
small depression
most cones
rods on perimeter
blind spot
optic nerve and blood vessels connecting to eye
no room for photoreceptors
cataracts + solution
lens becomes opaque
prevent light from passing through, leading to blurred vision.
solution: remove lens, strong eyeglasses
buildup of aqueous humour in eye
blocked drainage duct ==> retinal cells die from pressure
vision loss
lens or cornea irregular shaped
lack certain cones
2 parts of the outer ear + functions
pinna: funnel sound to canal
auditory canal: funnel sound to ear drum, ear wax
middle ear 3 parts + function
air filled; sound travels through solid bone
ossicles: amplify +passes sound from eardrum to oval window
Eustachian tube: lets air pressure equalize
tympanic membrane/eardrum : separate outer ear from middle ear