Define the biological species concept
A group of individuals that interbreed to produce fertile offspring
Define morphological species concept
A concept that classifies species by their morphological similarities not by their ability to reproduce or their DNA
Define the ecological species concept
In this concept, a species is a group of organisms that are adapted to a particular niche in an ecosystem
Lists the levels of taxonomic classification
Outline the main features of the domain Archaea
Prokaryotic cells
DNA is circular, most have histones, has plasmids
Cell wall present
Do not have organelles
70S ribosomes
Outline the main features of the domain Bacteria
Prokaryotic cells
DNA is circular, has plasmids
Cell wall made of peptidoglycan
Do not have organelles
Ribosomes have prokaryotic and eukaryotic features, transcription is similar Eukarya
Outline the main features of the domain Eukarya
Eukaryotic cells
DNA is linear and found within the nucleus, histones are present
Cell wall present in plants and fungi
Cells have organelles
80S ribosomes
Outline the main features of Protoctista
Cellulose cell wall
Autotrophic nutrition
Outline the main features of Fungi
Mainly multicellular
Cell wall made of chitin
Heterotrophic nutrition
Outline the main features of Plantae
Cell wall made of cellulose
Autotrophic nutrition
Outline the main features of Animalia
Do not have a cell wall
Heterotrophic nutrition
Why are viruses not included in any of the three domains?
Viruses are acellular and do not share any characteristic features with cells in the domains
How are viruses classified?
Viruses are grouped according to their nucleic acids e.g. RNA or DNA, double stranded or single stranded
What is meant by the term ecosystem?
The community of organisms (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) components of an area and their interactions
What is meant by the term ‘niche’?
Describes how an organism ‘fits’ into an ecosystem and its role in that environment
What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity refers to variation of living organisms
List three levels at which biodiversity can be considered?
Variation of ecosystems or habitats
Number and abundance of species
Genetic variation within a species
Why is random sampling important for investigating biodiversity in an area?
It avoids bias, which makes the results more reliable
Describe how random sampling and frame quadrats can be used to asses the abundance of species
The study area is divided into a grid
A random generator is used to obtain coordinates
At the coordinates, the frame quadrant is placed on the ground and the abundance of the species in the quadrant is recorded
How can the abundance of a species within a quadrant be estimated?
The number of organisms within the quadrant can be counted
The percentage cover can be estimated (useful for species that are very abundant)
When is it appropriate to use transects rather than random sampling of an area?
Transects are used to measure the changed in abundance and distribution of species across a habitat only. A gradual change in an abiotic factor often causes the change in species abundance
Describe how systematic sampling and a belt transect can be used to assess the abundance and distribution of species
A belt transect is drawn from one part of a habitat to another. The frame quadrat is placed at regular intervals along the belt transect and the abundance of a species is measured
Describe the difference between a line transect and a belt transect
Line transect - all organisms touching the line are recorded
Belt transect - only organisms in the frame quadrant at each interval are recorded
What method is used to investigate populations of motile organisms?
Outline the mark-release-recapture method
A group of organisms of the target population are caught, counted and marked
The marked organisms are released back into the habitat
After a period of time, organisms of the same population are captured again
The proportion of marked to unmarked organisms in the captured group is assumed to be the same as the proportion of marked to unmarked in the whole population
Estimated population size = (number of individuals in first samples x number of individuals in second sample)/number of marked individuals in second sample
How is Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient used in investigations of species populations?
Spearman’s rank tests whether there is a correlation between two data sets e.g. to see if there is a correlation between distribution of organisms and an abiotic factor like soil pH
Outline the difference between Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlation coefficients
Pearson’s correlation coefficient is used to for linear correlations between two data sets
Spearman’s correlation coefficient works for linear correlations and monotonic relationships (does not increase/decrease by same amount each time)
Explain what the value of D mean for Simpson’s Index of Diversity
D is the index of diversity. A high value for D means there is a lot of diversity, so species richness and species evenness is high
Outline the threats to biodiversity in ecosystem
Some of the threats include climate change, deforestation and destruction of habitats, pollution, introduction of new species and hunting by humans
Why does biodiversity need to be maintained?
To maintain stable ecosystem
Ethical reasons
Aesthetic reasons
Many plant species are yet to be discovered and may contain chemicals that could be used in future medicines
List methods of protecting endagered species
National parks
Botanic gardens
Frozen zoos
Seed banks
Give examples of methods of assisted reproduction for conservation efforts
In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
Embryo transfer
State what is meant by an ‘alien species’
An alien species is one which is living in a habitat it is not native to. The species may arrive there intentionally or unintentionally
What effects can alien species have on a habitat?
An alien species represents a new competitor for resources, they may outcompete native species resulting in extinction
The alien may be a predator for the native species
The alien species may bring new diseases into the habitat
What is the role of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)?
WWF is a non-governmental organisation.
It aims to conserve biodiversity on a global level, protect and restore ecosystems , promote the use of sustainable resources and reduce pollution and waste
What is the role of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)?
CITES is an agreement between governments
It regulates wildlife trade to ensure it is not a threat to their survival and it prevents overexploitation of resources, particularly of endangered species