Key terms for Global Politics SL Unit 2 Rights and Justice
Unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor.
Sets the philosophical foundation of the UDHR, emphasizing dignity, equality, and the inalienable rights of all members of the human family.
Transnational Corporations (TNCs)
Companies that can drive economic development but are implicated in labor rights abuses and environmental degradation.
The belief that human rights are applicable to all humans, regardless of cultural or national differences.
Cultural Relativism
The idea that human rights should be interpreted within the context of specific cultural norms and values.
Individual Rights
Rights needed by each individual to pursue their lives and goals without interference.
Group or Collective Rights
Rights held by a group rather than by its individual members.
Civil Liberties
Freedoms from interference in the lives of individuals, often detailed in the constitution.
Civil Rights
Specific rights which are guaranteed by legislation.
The process by which laws are collected and arranged in an orderly way to form rights in a society.
Value judgements and principles about right and wrong.
Standards of appropriate behaviour.
The act of persuasion using force or power.
Belonging naturally; essential.
Fraternity / Solidarity
A group of people sharing a common interest.
The implementation of legalized racial segregation, depriving political and civil rights.
Refers to how the definition of rights is decided by powerful stakeholders and forced on others.
Freedom and liberty.
Refers to a collective group outside of the power of an individual state (e.g., United Nations).
Set of rules that determine how a state or country is run, including a preamble and a guarantee of specific rights.
The state accepts that it is bound by a particular treaty.
The state agrees in principle but is not yet ready to fully commit to a treaty.
The action of causing an activity to become political.