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Affect/ Evaluation: Emotional Response (Liking/ Disliking)
Behavior: Verbal and Non-verbal actions
Cognition: Beliefs and Traits
Prejudice Example:
Liking disliking people with southern accents.
Believe women are weak and emotional
Stereotyping Example:
Country bumpkin, trailer park, forms
Discrimination Example:
Talk with exaggerated southern accents
Holding the door for women and not men
A set of people who interact over time and have shared goals, fate, or identity
Cognitive: A believe or association that link a whole group of people with certain traits or characteristics (person schema)
Schemas operation
spreading activation.
Social Categorization
We categorize people just like we do other objects
Groups an individual believes they belong to
Groups and individual believes they do not belong to
Ingroup/Outgroup Tendency
Tendency to categorize people into us and them
In-group Bias
Tendency to like the ingroup more
Outgrip Homogeneity Effect (ohe)
Tendency to assume there is a greater similarity among members of out-groups than members of in-groups.
Reasons for OHE
Opportunities for learning
Memory and retrieval processes
Self- fulfilling prophecies
Perceiver expectations, perceivers behavior toward target, target behavior toward perceiver
Distort perceptions
confirmation bias
Self-fulfilling prophesy founders
Word. Zanna, Cooper (1974)
What do sterieotypes do
Resist change
Priming and spreading activation
Ausomatic: unconscious, unintentional, effortless
Devine 1989
Priming spreads activation sterotype schemas
Automatic activation of stereotypes
automatically triggered in people's minds due to learned associations, regardless of their conscious beliefs
What did devines work find?
stereotypes occurs at an unconscious level, affecting both high-prejudice and low-prejudice individuals.
How to avoid Automatic Sterotyping?
Be motivated to be egalitarian, take perceptive of stereotyped target, form implementation of intention, ignore membership or individual information
Negative or positive attitudes towards people based on their membership in certain groups
behavior directed at people based on their membership in a certain grouop
Prejudice and discrimination based on a person’s racial background, or institutional or cultural practices that promote domination of one racial group over another.
Old Fashion Racism
Racism that surfaces in subtle ways then it is safe, socially acceptable, and easy to rationalize
Implicit Racism
Racism that operates unconsciously and unintentionally
Moden Predjudice
Verbal Behavior
Implicit Prejudice
Non-verbal behavior
Stereotype Threat
Vulnerability experienced by a person from a stereotyped group when their behavior could potentially confirm the stereotype about their group.
Goals of Black Person
To be seen as competent and respected. Looking to see understanding and respect for unique value of racial and ethnic history and culture. Word Choice May code-switch. Result White person is seen as patronizing due to word choice, and feel disrespected because race and culture are not acknowledged.
Goals of white people
Goals of White Person To be seen as likable and warm. Looking to portray themselves as not biased, often by presenting the self as color-blind. Word Choice May use simpler language.
Self Identity Theory
1: Self Esteem= personal identity+social identity
Group identity used to maximize self-esteem
Improve self-esteem by
Social Comparison: ingroup favoritism, outgroup derogation
Shifting to better group, or increasing own group status.
Realistic conflict theory
Competition for limited resources breeds hostility and results in prejudice and discrimination.
Realistic conflict theory predicts
prejudice and discrimination increase when economic and political areas are uncertain or threatened.
Reduce the problem of intergroup contact
Mutual interdependence of groups Equal status Personalized interactions between individuals Intergroup contact sanctioned by social norms
Contact hypothesis
Direct contact between groups reduces prejudice
Prejudice and discrimination based on a persons gender, or institutional cultural practices that promote domination of ones gender over another.
Womens bodies are treated as mere or objects and less as fully functioning human beings
Hostile Sexism
Negative feelings about womens ability to challenge mens power
Strong positive and negative responses to the same thing. benevolent and hostile sexism combined
Benevolent sexism
affectionate, chivalrous feelings founded on the potentially patronizing belief that women need to to be protected
Hostile sexism
negative resentful feelings about women’s abilities, value, and ability to challenge men’s power.
Implicit Racism
cultural and perceptions associated with masculinity, feminity, or non-binary genderqueer.
categories assigned at birth (male,female,intersex)
a positive, negative, or mixed reaction to a object or idea.
democracy, power, greed
Four reaction to attitude objects
High Positive Reaction, Low Positive Reaction, low negative reaction, high negative reaction
Positive Attitude
High positive reaction, low negative reaction
Low positive reaction, low negative reaction
Ambivalence (+ and _)
High positive reaction and high negative reaction
Negative attitude
Low positive reaction and high negative reaciton
Tripartite model of attitude
Affect, cognition and behavior are the overall bases for our overall attitude
Attitude Measure
Controlled Response Measured, Uncontrolled response Measure( automatic)
Uncontrolled response Measure( automatic)
Facial EMG, evaluative priming procedure
Controlled Response Measured,
Self reporting Measure (likert scale) or bogus pipline: forced honesty
Self report measures (controlled)
ask people what they like/dislike and their limitations: a respondent might agree with all statements or choose the middle option for every question
Facial Electromyograph (EMG)
Evaluation can be + and _ , causes electro activity due to muscle contractions : limitations muscle activity associated with emotions, imay not be specific to a particular emotion (forehead muscle activity could be both anger and happy)
Strong Attitudes
persist over times, resist persuasion, predict behavior (ex: Christianity, fried chicken)
Weak attitudes
Do not persist, resist predict (ex: extended family, stocks)
the process by which attitudes are changed
Two routes of persuasion
central route and peripheral route
Central route
involves a lot of thought
peripheral route
involves little thought (low motivation and ability to think (not relevant to me and distracted)
central route
involves a lot of thought (high motivation and ability to think, relevant to me, very awake)
Personal relevance
influence route
Argument quality
central route
Source expertise
peripheral route
Cognitive dissonance theory: Leon Festinger (1957)
inconsistent cognitions arouse psychological tension that people become motivated to reduce. (Irrelevant: unrelated , Consonant: related and consistent, Dissonant: related and contradictory)
Justifying difficult decisions
to resolve dissonance, people emphasize the positive of choosing a product and the negative of not.
Insufficient justification paradigm
$20 was sufficient justification for the lie→no dissonance $1 was insufficient justification for the lie→yes dissonance
Alternative Account: Self-Perception (Bem, 1965)
self-perception is purely cognitive, no arousal
Classical Dissonance Theory
disliked the task said it was intresting
Self esteem alternative
i’m am a good person with a + self-esteem , lied with consequences