protons charge
electrons charge
neutrons charge
protons mass
electrons mass
neutrons mass
protons location
in shells, orbiting nucleus
electrons location
neutrons location
a form of an atom with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons
what is an isotope?
increasing atomic number
how is the modern periodic table arranged?
increasing atomic mass
how was Mendeleev's periodic table arranged?
left hand side
where are metals found on the periodic table?
right hand side
where are non-metals found on the periodic table?
where are transition metals found on the period table?
what are the columns called on the periodic table?
what are the rows called on the periodic table
gains or loses electrons
how does an element become an ion
to be stable + have a full outer shell
why does an element become an ion
what is a positive ion called
what is a negative ion called
loses electrons
how does an ion become positive
gains electrons
how does an ion become negative
how many electrons are in the outer shell
how does the group number help you know the ion it will make?
what word describes the arrangement of ions in an ionic compound?
strong electrostatic forces
name the force between ionic bonds
if a compound has 2 elements what will its name end in?
if a compound has 3 or more elements what will its name end in?
high, hard to overcome the strong electrostatic forces
what is the boiling/melting point of an ionic compound? why is it this?
the ions are not free to move
do ionic compounds conduct electricity? why is this?
a metal and non-metal
what is an ionic bond formed between?
a non-metal and a non-metal
what is a covalent bond formed between?
a molecule
what is formed as a result of covalent bonds?
to become stable, have a full outer shell
why do atoms share electrons?
weak intermolecular forces?
what forces are between covalent bonds?
low, not a lot of energy is needed to overcome the weak intermolecular forces
what is the boiling/melting point of a simple covalent bond? why is this?
no, it has no free moving electrons
can a covalent bond conduct electricity? why is this?
one or more physical forms of an element that occurs in the same physical state
what is meant by the word allotrope?
how many covalent bonds per atom does diamond have?
how many covalent bonds per atom does graphite have?
cutting tool, it is strong
what is one use of diamond? why is this?
electrode, free moving electrons lubricant, layers can slide over each other
what is one use of graphite? why is this?
a single layer of graphite
what is graphene?
screen for phones, can conduct electricity so powers phones
what is one use of graphene? why is this?
what element is a fullerene made from?
what element is diamond, graphite and graphene made of?
buckyball, nanotubes
what are 2 examples fullerenes?
what is one use of a buckyball?