What is the tempo / time signature like in samba music?
It is always fast, energetic and in 4/4. It also uses polyrhythms
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What is the groove in samba music?
It is the main section when all of the rhythms are played together
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What kind of structure does samba music typically follow?
It is normally call and response but there is no set structure
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How is it signalled for the group to change in samba music?
The leader will signal using a pito (a whistle)
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Where is Calypso music from?
Trinidad and Tobago - The Carribean
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What kind of instruments are used in calypso music?
Acoustic, electric and bass guitars; trumpets; trombones; bongos; conga drums; clarinets; saxophones and steel pans
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What is a repinique drum?
A small high pitched drum played with a stick or a hand - often played by a leader in samba music
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What is an agogo?
A metallic bell with two pitches played on a stick usually in samba music
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What is a caixa?
A drum with springs underneath - like a snare drum - that makes a metallic sound. Often played in Samba music
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What is a ganza?
A hand held shaker often used in samba music
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What is a surdo drum?
A large drum available in three sizes that is played by a soft beater. In samba music, it plays the bass and leads the pulse of the piece
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What structure is used in calypso music?
Strophic (verse-chorus) structure
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What is the usual rhythm of calypso music?
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What is the progression like in calypso music?
There is simple harmonic progression and chords (1, 4 and 5)
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What mood is created in calypso music?
A relaxed mood
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Are there clashing notes in calypso music?
No - it is entirely diatonic (normally)
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What are djembes?
Goblet shaped drums, made using goat skin. They are played using hands and fingertips in African music
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What are the names of the three types of djembes?
Slap (highest), tone and bass (lowest)
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What are dunduns?
Cylindrical drums played using a stick which hits either end of the drum that is tuned using ropes
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What type of rhythms are used in African music?
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What are polyrhythms?
Rhythms made of two or more rhythms being played simultaneously
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What are talking drums?
Hour glass shaped drums on which the pitch can be changed using the ropes on the outside to sound like human voices
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Is African music call and response or call and echo?
Call and response
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What instruments are used in African music?
Djembe drums, dunduns, talking drums (Donnos), koras (harp like instruments), mbira (a type of xylophone) and balaphones (like a xylophone but wooden)
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What is a polymetre?
When two time signatures are played at the same time
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What is the main melody like in Greek music?
It usually moves by step, has a small range and parallel harmonies (3rds), clear phrases, melisma, short repeated passages, verse-chorus structure and is usually lively
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What are typical instruments used in Greek music?
Vocals, defti (tambourine), violin, bouzouki (lute style instrument), Doumbek (drum) and wind instruments are common
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What is the accompaniment like in Greek music?
It is usually clear with off beat chords
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What are the rhythms / time signatures like in Greek music?
It has irregular time signatures (e.g 7/8) with fast and steady tempos designed for dancing. The rhythms is normally lively with emphasis on beats 1 and 2
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What is melisma?
Multiple notes per syllable whilst singing
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What is an irregular rhythm?
A rhythm with no steady pulse
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What scale does Israeli music use?
The Arabic scale (C, D flat, E, F, G, A flat, B, C)
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What influenced Israeli music?
Both traditional Hewbrew folk songs and folk music from other areas such as Russia, Europe, Egypt and Arabia
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What are some key features of Israeli music?
Irregular metres and rhythms; syncopation and strong off beats; clear phrasing and structure; stepwise (conjunct) melodies; guttural / throaty singing and modal and microtonal ideas
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What is the instrumentation like in Israeli music?
Ouds, guitars, accordions, tambourines, darkubas, bowed string instruments, harps / lyres and flute style instruments are all common
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What is a Darkuba?
A goblet shaped drum used in Israeli music
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What are Israeli celebratory songs influenced by?
Mostly eastern European folk music as it takes on a similar lively dance style
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What are melodies like in Israeli celebratory music?
They have many grace notes and pitch bends as well as melodic decoration and ornamentation
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What is the accompaniment like in Israeli celebratory music?
It is typically made of a bass part that plays the root and fifth of the relevant chord on every crotchet and a chord instrument which plays on the off beats
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What is the rhythm like in Israeli celebratory music?
It has a fast tempo which i gradually accelerando and a 4/4 or 2/4 time signature as it is designed as lively dance music
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Where does Palestinian music take its influences from?
Arabic music, Jewish music, Christian music, Middle eastern music, Eastern Mediterranean music and Norht African music
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What is an oud?
An instrument with 11 strings played using a pick. It is frequently used for both the melody and accompaniment
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What is a doumbek?
A goblet shaped drum
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What is the melody like in Palestinian music?
It normally has no chords underneath, based on a magma (system of mods), often accompanied by an oud. It is normally improvised free of tempo and is microtonal
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What is the rhythm like in Palestinian music?
It uses irregular metres (e.g. 5/8), irregular emphasis on beats meaning that leading to the irregular splitting up of regular metres. It is a free rhythm
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What is a free rhythm?
A rhythm which lacks clear pulse
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What is the rhythm pattern in Palestinian music called?
It is called Wazn (hundreds of different patterns)