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what is a virus
not a living cell
what does a virus infect
living host cells to replicate
what does a virus always have
a small genome
what are capsids
protein coats
what are the sizes of viruses
what do viruses never have
what are icosahedral capsids
20 triangular sides
what are helical capsids
long tube of protein, with genome inside
what coats DNA/RNA
helical capsids
what are complex capsids
mixture of icosahedral and filamentous shapes
what are many bacteriophage shapes
complex capsids
what tends to be asymmetrical shapes
larger viruses
what do many viruses have
lipid envelopes
what do lipid envelopes allow for
fusion to host cell
what is non-enveloped
what is group I genome, classification and example
dsDNA, poxvirus
what is group II genome, classification and example
ssDNA, parvovirus
what is group III genome, classification and example
dsRNA, epizootic hemorrhagic disease
what is group IV genome, classification and example
(+)ssRNA, poliovirus
what is group V genome, classification and example
(-)ssRNA, influenza virus
what is group VI genome, classification and example
RNA retroviruses, HIV
what is group VII genome, classification and example
DNA pararetroviruses, hepatitis B
what is transcription
DNA turning into RNA
what is translation
RNA turning into a protein
what must all viruses do
attach to host cell, get viral genome into host cell, replicate genome, make viral proteins, assemble capsids, release progeny viruses from host cell
what to viruses inject genomes through
cell wall to cytoplasm
in the Hershey-Chase experiment what was labeled with 35S Methionine
in the Hershey-Chase experiment what was labeled with 32P Phosphate
what is the lactic cycle
phage quickly replicates, kills host cell
what is the lysogenic cycle
phase is quiescent, replicates only when host genome divides
what do bacteriophages use cell components for
synthesize capsids
what is viropexis
when the virus is taken up via endocytosis
where must DNA viruses go
the cell nucleus
what must RNA viruses do
encode a viral polymerase
what can only be used as mRNA
all must all viruses make
proteins with host ribosomes
what is budding
when viruses pass through the membrane and it surrounds the capsid to form an envelope
what is the eclipse period
viruses making proteins, genomes, assembling
what is the rapid rise period
burst of bacteriophage = bacterial lysis
rapid release of eukaryotic viruses
what is a colony of viruses
what can viruses out compete
where are viruses present and often at what
all environments, very high densities
what are viroids
naked RNA
what are prions
defectively folded host protein
what is an example of a prion
creutzfeld-jakob disease