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to scuba dive
dormir (o → ue)
to sleep
ir (irregular verb- yo voy) al museo
to go to the museum
ir al cine
to go to the movie theater
ir al parque
to go to the park
ir a la ciudad
to go to the city
ir de compras
to go shopping
montar a caballo
to ride a horse
pasar un rato
to spend some time.. (at the beach, museum)
to fish
tomar el sol
to tan/sun bathe
tomar una siesta
to take a nap
salir (yo salgo) con amigos
to go out with friends
to tidy
cortar el césped
to mow the lawn
cuidar de mi mascota
to take care of my pet
dar de comida al perro/gato
to feed the dog/cat
pasar la aspiradora
to vacuum
traer (yo traigo)
to bring
regar las plantas
to water the plants
sacar la basura
to take out the trash
sacudir los muebles
to dust the furniture