SWE 3310 Final Exam Review

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Software change is inevitable because:

A key problem is:

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Software change is inevitable because:

A key problem is:

  • new requirements emerge

  • business environment changes

  • errors must be repaired

  • new computers and equipment are added to the system

  • performance/reliability of system may have to be improved

    -implementing/managing change to existing software systems

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What is program evolution dynamics?

the study of the processes of system change

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What are lehman’s laws

  • continuing change

  • increasing complexity

  • large program evolution

  • organisational stability

  • conservation of familiarity

  • continuing growth

  • declining quality

  • feedback system

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Lehman’s law generally apply to what?

It is not clear how they should be modified for:

large, tailored systems

- shrink-wrapped products

- systems that incorporate a significant # of COTS (commercial off the shelf)

- small orgs

- med. sized systems

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What is software maintenance? (EXAM)

Modifying a program after it has been put into use

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Why is maintenance inevitable?

environment is changing

systems are tightly coupled with their environment

systems MUST be maintained if they want to stay useful

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What are the types of maintenance? (EXAM)

  • repair software faults

  • adapt software to different operating enviornment

    • add/modify system’s functionality

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Distribution of maintenance effort is:

65% functionality addition/modification

18% software adaptation

17% fault repair

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Maintenance Cost Factors:

  • Team stability (cost reduce if same staff are present)

  • Contractual responsibility (no incentive to design for future change)

  • staff skills (staff often inexperienced and have limited knowledge)

  • program age and structure (programs age, structure degrades and become harder to understand and change)

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Complexity depends on:

  • Complexity of control structures

  • complexity of data structures

    • object, method and module size

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Process measurements used to assess maintainabilty:

  • number of requests for corrective maintenance

  • average time required for impact analysis

  • average time to implement change request

  • number of outstanding change requests

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Evolution processes depend on:

  • the type of software being maintained

  • development processes used

  • skills and experience of the people involved

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The system evolution process: (EXAM)

System release → change requests → impact analysis → release planning → change implementation → release planning or system release

release planning → change implementation or

fault repair, platform adaptation, system enehancement

<p>System release → change requests → impact analysis → release planning → change implementation → release planning or system release</p><p></p><p>release planning → change implementation or</p><p>fault repair, platform adaptation, system enehancement</p>
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Urgent change requests happen when:

  • serious fault has to be repaired

  • changes to system’s environment have unexpected effects

  • if there are business changes that require a very rapid response

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What is security engineering? (EXAM)

  • method to support development/maintenance of systems that resist malicious attacks that are intended to damage a computer-based system or its data

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What are the security dimensions?

  • confidentiality: made accessible to unauthorized users

  • integrity: make data un-usable

  • availabilty: make accessible data unaccessible

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Details of Security

  • security of system is a system property that reflects the system’s ability to protect itself from accidental or deliberate external attack

  • essential as most systems are networked

  • essential pre-requisite for availability, reliability, and safety

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Asset (EXAM)

something of value which has to be protected

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attack (EXAM)

exploitation of a system’s vulnerability

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control (EXAM)

protective measure that reduces a system’s vulnerability

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exposure (EXAM)

possible loss or harm to a computing system

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threat (EXAM)

circumstances that have potential to cause loss or harm

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vulnerability (EXAM)

weakness in a system that may be exploited to cause loss or harm

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What are the threat types? (EXAM)

  • interception: allow attacker to gain access to asset

  • interruption: allow attacker to make part of system unavailable

  • modification: allow attacker to tamper with system asset

  • fabrication: allow attacker to insert false information into a system (MOST DANGEROUS)

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What are types of security requirement?

  • identification

  • authentication

  • authorizaiton

  • immunity

  • integrity

  • intrusion

  • non-repudiation

  • privacy

  • security auditing

  • system maintenance

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security requirement classificatoin

  • risk avoidance (set out the risks that should be avoided)

  • risk detection (define mechanisms that identify risk and neturalise)

  • risk mitigation (how system should be designed to recover from loss)

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What is a bot?

Automated software app that performs repetitive tasks over a network

faster at these tasks than humans

can be malicious and come in the form of malware

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Main cybersecurity threats

  • viruses

  • worms

  • trojan horses

  • social engineering

  • phishing

  • ransomware

  • pharming

  • zombie botnets

  • rootkits

  • mitm

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What is a virus? (EXAM)

program that spreads by injecting files and then making copies of itself

  • some are harmelss, others may damage or destroy files

  • require some sort of user action

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What are worms?

  • type of virus that can spread w/o human interaction

  • take up valuable memory and network bandwidth

  • allow attackers to gain access to your computer remotely

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what are trojan horses?

  • computer program that hides a virus or other damaging programs.

  • masquerades as a benign program while quietly destroying data or damaging your system

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What is social engineering?

tactic of manipulating, influencing, or deceiving a victim in order to gain control over a comptuer system, or to steal personal and financial information.

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What is Phishing? (EXAM)

  • scam emails/texts that contain links to malicious websites

  • Spear Phishing: targets specific individuals through emails

  • Whaling: aimed at senior executives, designed to encourage victims to perform a secondary action, such as initating a wire transfer

  • Vishing (EXAM): defrauding people over the phone

  • Email Phishing: scam emails/texts that contain links to malicious websites (is this not the definition of phishing?)

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What is ransomware?

  • prevents you from accessing your device and the data stored on it by encrypting your files

  • criminals will demand ransom in exchange for it back

  • Crypto-Ransomware: encrypts files in order to extort money.

  • Locker ransomware: prevents users from using their device for extortion

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What is Pharming?

  • redirects internet users to fake websites to steal personal info

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What is zomebie botnet?

  • botnet is # of compromised computers used to create and send spam viruses or flood network with messages as DoS attack.

  • compromised computers are called zombies

  • malware includes component that allow attacker to control infected computers remotely

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What is a rootkit?

  • malware program that enables cyber criminals to gain access to machines without being detected

  • may enable keystroke logger, etc

  • it eliminates evidence of break-in

  • modifies the operating system

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What is man in the middle attack?

  • cyber attack in which threat actor puts themselves between user and an application, to intercept their communications and data and use them for malicious purposes

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Dependable programming guidelines are:

  • limit visibility of info in a program

  • check inputs for validity

  • provide handler for all exceptions

  • minimize use of error-prone constructs

  • provide restart capabilities

  • check array bounds

  • include timeouts when calling external components

  • name all constants that represent real world values

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What are the System Types?

  • personal systems

  • embedded systems

  • distributed systems

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Distributed system characteristics:

  • resource sharing

  • openness

  • concurrency

  • scalability

  • fault tolerance

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Distributed System disadvantages:

  • complexity

  • security

  • manageability

  • unpredictability

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Distributed Systems architectures: (EXAM)

  • Client-server architectures

    • called on by clients

    • servers that provde services treated differently from clients that use services

  • Distributed object architectures

    • no distinction b/w clients and servers. any object on system may provide and use services from other objects

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  • software that manages and supports different components of a distributed system.

  • examples:

    • transaction processing monitors

    • data converters

    • communication controllers

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Client-server architectures:

  • modelled by set of services provided by servers and set of clients that use these services

  • clients know of servers but servers need not know of clients

  • clients and servers are logical processes

  • mapping is not necessarily 1:1

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Layered application architecture:

  • presentation layer

  • application processing layer

  • data management layer

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Thin Client model

  • all of application processing and data management is carried out on the server

  • used when legacy systems are migrated to client server architectures

  • disadvantage: places heavy processing load on both server and network

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Fat client model

  • server only responsible for data management

  • more processing delegated to client

  • most suitable for new C/S systems where capabilites are known in advance

  • more complex than thin client model

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3-Tier architectures:

  • each application architecture layers may exectue on a separate processor

  • allows for better performance than thin-client approach and simpler to manage than fat-client approach

  • more scalable

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Distributed Object architectures

  • no distinction b/w client and server

  • each entity is an object that provides services to other objects and receives from other objects

  • communicatoin is b/w middleware system called object request broker (important)

  • more complex to design

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Distributed object architecture advantages:

  • allows designer to delay decisions

  • very open system

  • flexible and scalable

  • possible to reconfigure system dynamically

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  • common object request broker architecture

  • middelware for distributed computing required at 2 levels

    • logical communication

    • component

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CORBA application structure (EXAM)

gotta draw it for the exam

<p>gotta draw it for the exam</p>
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CORBA services

  • naming and trading services

  • notification services

  • transaction services

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Peer-toPeer architectures

  • decentralised systems where computations may be carried out by any node in network

  • designed to take advantage of coputational power and storage of large number or networked computers

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Service-oriented architectures

  • based around notion of externally provided services

  • web service is standard approach to making reusable component available and accessible across the web

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Web Services chart: (EXAM)

exam question

<p>exam question</p>
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Services and distributed objects:

  • provider independence

  • public advertising

  • service binding

  • opportunistic construction of new services

  • pay for use of services

  • smaller applications

  • reactive and adaptive apps

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services standards (EXAM)

  • SOAP - simple object access protocol

  • WSDL - web services description language

  • UDDI - universal description, discovery and integration

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Agile methods

  • focus on code over design

  • based on iterative approach to software dev

  • intended to deliver working software fast

  • reduce overheads in software process (limiting documentation)

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Agile manifesto (EXAM)

  • while (value in items on the right), value items on the left more

  • individuals/interactions > processes and tools

  • working software > documentation

  • customer collab > contract neogtiation

  • responding to change > following a plan

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Principles of agile methods:

  • customer involvement

  • incremental delivery

  • people not process

  • embrace change

  • maintain simplicity

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Plan-driven development

  • heavy weight approach

  • based around separate development stages with outputs produced at each stage planned in advance

  • example: waterfall

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agile development

  • light weight approach

  • spec, design, implementation, testing are interleaved

  • outputs are decided through process of negotiation during development process

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Extreme programming

  • extreme approach to iterative dev.

  • new versions built several times a day

  • increments delivered every 2 weeks

  • tests must be run for every build and build only accepted if tests run successfully

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  • programming team look for possible improvements and make these improvements

  • improves understandability of software

  • changes are easier to make b/c code is well structured and clear

  • some changes require architecture refatoring which is COSTLY

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Test-First development:

  • writing tests b4 code clarifies requirements

  • tests written as programs rather than data so they can be executed automatically

  • prev and new tests run auto when new functionality is added to check for new errors

  • customer helps write tests as dev proceeds.

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Test automation:

  • tests are written as executable components b4 task is implemented

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  • work in pairs

  • helps dev common ownership of code and spreads knowledge across the team

  • serves as informal review process

  • encourages refactoring

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Scrum: (most popular agile methodology) (EXAM)

  • most popular form of agile development

  • deliverables every 2-4 weeks

  • 3 phases

    • outline planning

    • sprint cycles

    • project closure phase

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Scaling agile methods

  • successful for small and medium sized projects

  • improved communications

  • scaling up agile methods involves changing these to cope with larger, longer projects

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scaling up vs scaling out

  • scaling up = using agile methods for large software that cannot be developed by small team

  • scaling out = how agile methods can be introduced to large orgs with many years of software experience (convincing people to use agile)

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Software Cost Estimation (EXAM)

  • predicting resources required for software dev process

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Software cost components (EXAM)

  • hardware and software costs

  • travel and training costs

  • effort costs (DOMINANT)

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Productivity Measures

  • size related measures

  • function-related measures

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Measurement Problems

  • estimating size of measure

  • estimation total # of programmer months which have elapsed

  • estimating contractor productivity

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Factors affecting productivity:

  • application domain experience

  • process quality

  • project size

  • technology support

  • working environment

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Estimation Techniques (EXAM)

  • alogrithmic cost modelling

    • cost estimation is code size

  • expert judgement

    • 1+ experts use experience to predict software costs

    • Pros: relatively cheap estimation, can be accurate

    • Cons: inaccurate if there are no experts

  • estimation by analogy

    • cost computed by comoparing project to similar projects

    • accurate if project data is available

    • Impossible if no project found

  • pricing to win

    • costs whatever customer has to spend on it

    • pro: you get contract

    • con: probability customer gets system they want is small.

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Managing people:

  • managing people working as individuals and in groups

  • people = orgs most important asset

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  • complex issue but appears there are different types of motivation based on

    • basic needs

    • personal needs

    • social needs

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Human Needs Hierarchy:

  • Top to bottom

  • self-realization needs

  • > esteem needs

  • > social needs

  • > safety needs

  • > physiological needs

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Personality types

  • task oriented

    • motivation for doing the work is the work itself

  • self oriented

    • work is a means to an end which is the achievementof individual goals

  • interaction oriented

    • presence and actions of co-workers. people go to work b/c they like to go

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Group Working:

  • key determinant of group performance

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Group Composition:

  • an effective group has balance of all types

  • can be difficult to ahcieve because most are task-oriented

  • need for all members to be involved In decisions which affect the group

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Group leadership

  • depends on respect, not title or status

  • technical and managerial leader

  • career path based on technical competence should be supported

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Group cohesiveness:

  • members consider the group to be more improtant than any individual in it

  • Pros:

    • group quality standards develop

    • inhibitions caused by ignorance reduced

    • memberes learn from each other

    • egoless programming can be practiced

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Group communications:

  • essentail for effective group working

  • info must be exchanged on status of work

  • good communications strengthen group cohesion

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Group organization: (EXAM)

  • grop sizes should be < 8 members

  • break big projects into small ones

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Staff selection factors:

  • personality,

  • attitude,

  • adaptability ,

  • communicatoin ability,

  • educational background,

  • programming language experience,

  • platform experience,

  • application domain experience

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People Capability matruity model:

  • 5 stages

    • initial

    • repeatable

    • defined

    • managed

    • optimising

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What does COCOMO stand for and when was it released?

Constructive Cost Model in 1981

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SLOC stands for?

Source lines of code

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5 scale drivers are:

  • precedence

  • development flexibility

  • architecture/risk resolution

  • team cohesion

  • process maturity

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Effort Equation:

EAF = _____________
E = ______________
KSLOC = ______________

effort = 2.94 x EAF x (KSLOC)^E PERSON MONTHS

effort adjustment factor from cost drivers = all cost factors multiplied together
exponent derived from 5 scale drivers
Kilo source lines of code

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Duration Equation: ___________

SE = ________

duration = 3.67(Effort)^SE

schedule equation exponent from 5 scale drivers

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Average staffing = ?

average staffing = effort / duration = people

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what is cloud computing?

INTERNET BASED COMPUTING where software and information are provided ON DEMAND. PAY-FOR-WHAT-YOU-USE.

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Cloud Computing Service Models:

  • Infrastructure-as-a-service: storage, memory, networks

    • Pro: revenue less volatile, fast to setup

    • Con: fierce competition, privacy concerns

  • Platform-as-a-service: middleware, dev tools

    • Pro: revenue less volatile, software licenses cost avoidance

    • Con: customers are heavy users, security breach concerns

  • Software-as-a-service: netflix, google doc

    • Pro: increased profit, lower up-front costs

    • Con: difficult integration with legacy software, connectivity requirements

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Hybrid Cloud Platforms are:

  • big data - large volume of data to by analyzed

  • machine learning - use of AI to auto learn

  • IoT - collect/transfer data over network

  • Fog - structure between cloud and devices that produce data

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