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What are some of the events that resulted in teh conflict that would eventually cause WWiI?

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What are some of the events that resulted in teh conflict that would eventually cause WWiI?

1.0 The problem was WWI as it led to other problems such as: 1.1democracy, which intellectuals deemed the “Tyranny of the Avg. Person” or the rule of inferiors, aka masses of the uneducated. Common peoples were distrustful of democracy. 1.2 Another problem was the Great Depression. 1.3 An additional problem was the rise of totalitarianism, which means the state government has complete control. This involved communism, facist, and military dictatorsihp. Ex: In Russia there was communism and led by Josph Stalin. Mussolini in Italy controlled a Facist state. Adolf Hitler’s Germany practiced facism and naziism. There was also Japanese military dictatorship. After the Meiji Restoration, there were opposing political groups with team 1 being ingternationalists called the Japanese Democratic Capitalists aka the Meiji gov vs team 2, which were militarists aka Japanese nationalists who had a vision of a militarist Japan that was also self sufficient. On Sept. 18, 1931, the Mukden iNcident occurred in the Manchuria railway. This is where the Japense accused Chian of attacking the railroad. Basically, military dictatorship and fascism led to the Rome-Berlin-Japanese Axis powers.

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What 2 major alliances squared off against each other in 1941? (causes)

team 1 was the Axis Powers: Germany Italy and Japan. The Revisionist powers wanted to revise and overthrow the terms set after WWI during the Paris Peace Conference. Their goals were to remilitarize and conquer territory to expand their states. Cause: They wanted this because they believed territorial control was essential to their survival. Team 2 were the Allied powers: Great Britain, France, Soviet Union, US, and China.

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Why did Japan launch a full-scale invasion of China in 1937? (cause)

From 1931-1932 there was the conquest of Manchuria

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How did Japan’s undeclared war against China begin? (causes)

It began on July 1937. There was a battle at Marco Polo Bridge in Beijing where China fought Japan. Effects: Japan defeats China. They conquer Beijing and then moved South to Shanghai. There, the Japanese navy and air force bomb Shanghai and kill thousands of civilians. They secured Shanghai and made it a landing area for armies bound to Nanjing, the original capital of China.

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What is the Rape of Nanjing? (causes)

ON December 1937, Japan invaded Nanjing and commenced an aerial bombing over the city due to imperial expansion and their belief of their racial superiority. Effects: This led to two months of violence and murder of hundreds of thousands of unarmed soldiers, civilians. 7,000 women were raped and they burned one third of the homes in Nanjing. 400,000 Chinese people died.

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What effect did Japan’invasion have on China?

On Sept. 1937 nationalists and communists set aside their differences and temporarily stopped the Chinese Civil War. They agreed on a “united front” policy against Japan. Effects: They did'n’t defeat the Japanese forces. Japan maintained their naval and air superiority. In 1941 the Chinese tied down ½ of the Japanese Army.

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What was the Chinese nationalists’s fight against Japan like?

They suffered major casualties and kept the nationalist Guomindang government alive.

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What was the Chinese communist’s fight against Japan like?

They lacked an air force and artillery. Effects: They opted for guerilla warfare, or hit and run operations, on the mountain bases and sabotaged bridges and railroads. They gained the loyalty of Chinese peasants.

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Why did world powers fail to respond to Japan’s aggression against China? (cause)

They suffered from economic problems such a as the Great Depression and political problems such a as aggression in Europe from Germany ruled by Hitler and Italy ruled by Mussolini.

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What is the Tripartite Pact? (causes)

On September 1940, Germany, Italy, and Japan created a ten year agreement for military and economic support.

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What are some additional causes of wWI?

Additional causes include remilitarization, or the rebuilding of the German military. In 1935 HItler reinstated universal military service. Cause 2: In 1936 HItler sent German troops to enter the Rhineland. This was a violation as it was a demilitarized zone due to the Treaty of Versailles. Cause 3: On March 1938 HItler annexed Austria, which vwas also a violation as Germany had been forbidden from forming an alliance with Austria. Cause 4: On September 1938 Hitler wanted to annex to Czechoslovakia because German because Germans lived in the Sudetenland and HItler argued that Germans were a persecuted minority in the Sudetenland. Cause 5: At the Munich Conference HItler promised to stop further efforts to expand German territorial claims. This is known as appeasement, where HItler would be allowed to take over portions of Czechoslovakia aka the Sudetenland provided he would not seek further expansion so that further conflict could be avoided. Cause 6: In 1939 HItler broke the Munich Conference agreement and sent German troops to occupy the rest of Czechoslovakia.

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What nations joined WWII between 1939 and 1941?

The Allied powers gained allies such as the French and British colonies of Africa and INdia. The British dominion of Canada, Australia and New Zealand also became allies.

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What became common for aggressor nations during WWII?

Nations avoided official declarations of war and relied on surprise and swift attacks.

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What did German do on Sept. 1, 1939? (effects)

Hitler broke the Munich Conference Agreement again because he invaded Poland. He used a military strategy known as Blitzkrieg: Step 1. Plane and bombing attacks. Step 2: Send in the tanks. 3. Step 3: Here comes the troops. Step 4: REpeat. Effects: This allows Germany to Annex Poland. Germany takes western Poland and the Soviet Union took Eastern Poland. The USSR took Eastern Poland due to the non aggression pact that was signed.On Sept. 3, 1939, France and Great Britain declared war on Germany. Now WWII begins.

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What did Germany do in April 1940?(effects)

HItler launched Blitkrieg attacks on Belgium and the Netherlands. Effects: Belgium and the Netherlands quickly fall and HItler focuses on France.

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What does France do in June 1940 CE?

Frandce signed an armistice with Germany. Germany occupied northern France. The French government set up a temporary government in southern France. THe fall of France leads to Great Britain standing alone against Germany and the Axis powers.

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What is the Battle of Britain?

The Germans launched the Battle of Britain, led by its air force the Luftwaffe. They hoped to defeat them almost solely through air attacks. However, Hitler failed.

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How did the Battle of Britain impact British civilians?

There were 40,000 civilian deaths.

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Was the Battle of Britain a success or failure for Germany?

It was a failure.

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Whpo did the Nazi REgime and its accomplices physically annihilate by the ned of WWII.


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What’s teh HOlocaust?

The Holocaust was the persecution and murder of millions of Jews, Romani people, political dissidents and homosexuals by the German Nazis.

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Initially, what did Nazi Germany encourage as the “solution” to the Jewish Problem?

A flood of discriminatory laws and

directives designed to humiliate, impoverish, and segregate

Jews from the rest of society followed. Nuremberg Laws deprived German Jews their citizenship.

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What does did Nazi “racial experts” toy with?


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Who gave Hitler an opportunity to solve what he considered the Jewish Problem in Germany?

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WHat happened in June 1941?

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What did Nazi leadership commit to in 1941?

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How did the Final Solution begin?

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Besides extermination, what did Nazi camp personell subject prisoners do?

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What was Jewish resistance like during the Holocaust?

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What made Jewish resistance during the Holocaust difficult?

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What events finally brought WWII to an end?

It was the Battle of STalingrad. IN 1942, STalingrad, a city in the southern part of the Soviet union, was the last German offensive. Germany fought the soviets and in 1943 the Soviet union won. In 1945 the Soviet army reached the suburbs of Berlin, Germany. Combined British and US forces attack Geramns from North Africa then throguh italy. There was also D-Day. Effects: The round the clock Allied strategic bombing of German troops overwhelmed the Germans, leading German resistance to fade. On May 8,1945 Germany surrenders unconditionally, leading to what’s called VE Day, or Victory in Europe DAy. IN March 1945 ther’s fire bombing in Tokyo, which destroyed 25% of cities and buildings and killed 100,000 people. Itl eft millions homeless in Iwo Jima and Okinawa. 10,000 Okinawa citizens died refusing to surrender. The Allies were convinced Japan wouldn’t capitulate, or surrender. The Battle of MIdway Island included the Allies attacking Japanese fleets. the Allies win and war in the Pacific turns in favor of the Allies. On August 6, 1945, US drops the first atomic bomb on Japan called “Little Boy” on HIroshima. ON August 8, 1945 they dropped a second atomic bomb named “Fat Man'“ in Nagasaki. On August 15, 1945 the Japenes emperor HIrohito surrenders unconditionally to the Allies.

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By the time Germany surrendered in the spring of 1945, what was happening to the wartime Allied alliances between the USSR, the US, and Great Britain? (causes)

The Allied powers was an alliance formed due to mutual wartime danger in the form of Germany and the Axis Powers. Since WW2 was over, the mutual danger was gone. Effects: Due to the end of ww2, the alliance of the Allied powers disintegrates due to poltiical differences. The US and Great Britian were democracies while the USSR was a totalitarian government. There were also economic differences as US and Great Britain were capitalists while the USSR was Communist.

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What is the cold WAR?

CAuses: end of WWII leads to disintegration of wartime Allied alliances. Cause: they broke up due to political- and economic differences. There was also conflict from 1945-1990 that was between US and its allies and the USSR and its allies. The Cold WAR let to competition of global influence and direct conflict between the US and USSR. THe Cold War = avoiding warfare. Hot war= actual warfare. Warm War: outcome of armies and navies are being fully mobilized but no real fighting. Cold War: Neither side fought the other side. It consisted of proxy wars, where major world powers instigated wars but didn’t engage in tehm directly.

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What was one of the first manifestations of the Cold War? (causes)

In 1946 Churchill, prime minister of Great Britain had the Iron Curtain speech. The iron curtain was a imaginary boundary that separated Communist nations of eastern Europe from Democratic and capitalist nations in western EUrope.

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Despite their differences, what did the Allies agree to in Oct 1945?

They agreed to teh formation of the UN, an organization dedicated to keeping would peace, security, and diplomacy.

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what is the Seciurity Council?

It’s one component of the UN. It’s goal was to maintain internation peace. Permament members were the uS, USSR, Great Britain, France, and China. There were 6 rotation elected member states. An unanimous vote was required of all policies, agreements, and declarations of war.

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Even before the defeat of Germany, what did the Allies disagree on? (causes)

They disagreed on the future of Poland because it was invaded and conquered by Germany. They disagreed on the future of eastern Europe because it was invaded and conquered by Germany as they wanted to liberate and occupy the USSr.

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What did the Allies agree to at the Yalta conference? (causes)

ON February 1945 there was a meeting between Great Britain, US, USSR about the agreements ogf the division of Germany. Germany paid reparations, and the USSR join the war against Japan, and free elections in eastern Europe.

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What did Stalin insist on at the Yalta conference (causes)?

Joseph Stalin disgareed with CHurchill’s ideas of free elections in Eastern Europe and insisted on establishing '“friendly” governments there. By friendly he meant totalitarism and communist governments controlled by soviets. The purpose was to safeguard against future German threats.

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How did the US and Great Britain react to STalin’s insistence? (causes)

They saw the USSR’s plants to dominate eastern europe politically, spread totalitarianism, and domination of Eastern Europe economically by the spread of communism as a threat.

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Waht did the USSr do in 1946 and 1947? (causes)

They brought totalitarian and communist governments to Eastern Europe. Effects: Communism was spread to Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Poland.

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What is the Truman Dcotrine? (effects)

ON March 12, 1947, US president Harry S. Truman gave a speech before congress arguing over the need for 400 million dollars in aid for Greece and Turkey becuase their democracy was collapsing as the USSR wanted Turkish territory and supported Greek communists in their civil war. Before WWII, Great Britain supported Greece and Turkey militarily and financially. However, by 1946-7, it couldn’t afford to support them anymore. The US feared Greece and Turkey would fall to the USSR and communism. Effects: This led to the emergence of the US policy of “containment”, or interventionist foreign policies dedicated to the “containment” of communism. and percent the USSr from expansion in the eastern part of Europe.

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What’s teh European Recovery Program, or Marshall plan? (effects)

IN 1947, US secretary of state George Marshall proposed an extension of the US policy of containment and asked Congress for money to help European nations rebuild their economies. IN 1948 the program was funded 13 billion dollars to rebuild European economies through capitalism and democracy to stop communism.

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How did the Soveit Union react to the European REcovery PRogram? (effects)?

THe USSR argued that the marshal plan was capitalist imperialism. Effects: in 1949 they came up with the council of mutual economic assistance, or COMECON It was an economic rebuilding program for Soviet stallite nations, or eastern European nations under Soviet influence, with teh goal of increasing trade wit hteh USSR.

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How did the Cold war impact the formation of alliances? (effects)

taem 1: The North ATlantic Traety Organization, or NATO, a regional military alliance against the Soviet union and the spread of communism was established in 1949. It was formed between the US, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Portugal, with the goal of maintaining peace in postwar Europe. It was a collective defense (they’ll protect each other if one of them are attacked). The other alliance was the Warsaw Pact, which was established by the Soviet Union in 1955. It was a military alliance between the USSR and 7 communist eastern European states. Causes: NATO admits and allows West Germany to rearm, causing the soveit union to create the Warsaw pact.

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How did the Cold War divide Germany? (effects)

Germany collapses Effects: the Allies divide Germany into 11 occupational zones. The US, USSR, Great Britain, France, and the Allies divide Berlin, Germany, into 4 zones. Great Britain, US, France merge their occupation zones. The USSR reacts by establishing a blockade in Berlin on June 1948, which blocked west’ Berlin’s road to rails and water.

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How did the US, France, and Great Britain react to the Soviet union’s blockade?

They established an airlift in Berlin to keep the people of west Berlin alive, fed, and warm.

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How does the Soviet Union react to the Berlin Airlift?

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What happens to Germany after the Soviet Blockade?

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What is the Berlin Wall?

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What were some of the immediate and long term effects of the Cold War?

Intermediate effects/conflicts:

  1. Formation of the UN

  2. Truman Doctrine

  3. Emergence of the US policy of containment

  4. Marshalll plan

  5. alliances: NATO and Warsaw pact

  6. allies divide germay into 4 occupational zones

  7. established blockade aka berlin blockade

  8. established airlift = berlin airlift

  9. West Germany becomes a new state that’s democratic, capitalist, and a federal republic of Germany

  10. East Germany becomes a communist, totalitarian, and democratic republic, creation of berlin wall

Long term effects/conflicts

  1. Korean war

  2. domino theory

  3. us policy of containment spreads to Africa, central America, and south America

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HOw did the Civil War in China progress by 1948? (effects)

On 1945 WWII was over and Japan lsoes. Teh Japanese threat was gone, so the civil war resumed. CCP communist’s military starts to defeat the Guomigndang nationalists. IN 1949 CCP communists win over Guomingdang nationalists and lose. Jiang Jeishi, leader of the nationalist government, retreats to Taiwan.

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What happened on Oct. 1, 1949? (effects)

Mao Zedong was the chairman of teh CCP and establisehd the first official Communist state in Asia known as the Peoples Republic of China.

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IN the early years of the Cold wWar, what was most disconcerting to the Soveit Union and Chinese leaders? (effects)

it was the rehabilitation of Japan. Causes: They were afraid of US intervention such as capitalism and democracy. There was also the formation of client states, or nations dependent on a powerful nation such as South Korea and Taiwan as they were dependent on the US. On 1950 China recognizes the Soviet Union’s authority over communism in exchange for them supplying China with Russian military equipment and economic aide.

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In the summer of 1950, what shifted the focus of the Cold War from Europe to East Asia? (effects)

There was the divide of the Korean peninsula along the 38th parallel. North Koera was a Soviet occupation zones and South Kroea was a US occupation zones. Effects: On 1948 there was the establishment of two separate Korean states. South Korea become the Republic of Korea with its capital at Seoul that practiced democracy and capitalism while North Kroea became the Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea with the capital at Pyongyang that practiced communism and totalitarianism.

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What happened on June 25, 1950? (effects)

North Koreas determines the use of force to unify the Korean peninsula and ordered 100,000 troops to cross the 38th parallel. North Kroea captures Seoul and

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How did the US react to the events of June 25, 1950? (effects)

The US believed that the Soviets had sanctioned the invasion, aka authorizing the invasion of South Kroea. US persuades the UN to adopt the a resolution to stop NK’s aggression. The UN adopts the resolution and US receives support in the form of armed forces from 20 countries. The uS and its allies pushed NKs back to the 38th parallel. The US has the opportunity to unify the Koeran peninsla. The US captures the capital of Pyongyang and advances to the border of Chian in NK.

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How does China react to US aggression in North Korea? (effects)

The US was too close, so China joined forces with NK and pushed the US and its allies to SK, leading to a stalemate.

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What is the Koeran War? (effects)

Cause: End of WWI and US occupation of the south and Soviet occupation of the noth. There was also the creation of 2 independent states: NK and SK. Conflict: from 1950-1953 the US, UN, and its allies fought against NK and its allies. Effects: 3 million died, who were mostly Korean civilians. ON July 1953 there was a cease fire but no peace treaty, meaning the peninsula remains at a state of potential war to this day.

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How did the Korean war impact the US?

The extension of the US policy of containment (military protection and economic aid to governments under the treat of communism) led to the creation of the SOotuheast Asian Treaty ORganization, or SEATO (basically Asian NATO). In 1954 president Dwight Eisenhower established the Domino Theory in which one country becomes communist will cause neighboring countries to fall to communsim. The policy of containment spreads to central americfa, south America, and afria.

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What was one of the central features of the Cold War? (effects)

Part of the Cold War includes the arms race, which was a competition between nations for superiority by accumulating weapons. Effects: This leads to the development of nuclear weapons. IN 1949 the USSr tests the atomic bomb. In 1960 the US and soviets reach mutually assured destrction, or MAD. This was a military strategy and national security policy in which two opposing groups have enough nuclear weapons for complete annihilation.

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What happened in Cuba in 1959?

The Cuban revolution occurred. Fidel Castro Ruiz heads the revolutionary movement. Goal: Overthrow the absolute ruler Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar. The resolution was caused by Zaldivar allowing US sugar companies to control Cub'a’s economy. Effects: Castro overthrows Zaldivar and becomes the dictator of Cuba.

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How did the Soviet Union intervene in Cuba in 1959? (effects)

The Svoiets offer Castro economic aid to purchase half of Cuba’s sugar production and supply them with weapons. Castro declares his support of communism. ON December of 1961 Castro states “I have been a Marxist Leninist all along, and will remain one until I die”

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HOw does the US react to Cuba’s alignment with the Soviet union? (effects)

President JFK authorizes a secret invasion on Cuba to l.9overthrwo Castrow. US strategy: The Central INtelligence Agency, or CiA (the National Security Group created from the National Security Act.) In 1947 they performed analysis and secret activities. Their strategy in Cuba was to use trains and arms and transport 1,500 anti Castro Cubans. On April 1961 anti Castro forces land in Cuba in an area known as the Bay of Pigs, causing this invasion to be called the “Bay of PIgs” invasion. Effects” The invasion failed and Castro’s military captures and killed the everyone who was part of the bay of pigs invasion.

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How did Castro react to the Bay of PIgs Invasion? (effects)

Castro accepts the deployment of Soviet union nuclear missiles in Cuba to prevent future US invasion.

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What happened on Oct 26, 1962? (effects)

The US learned that the Soviets were assembling launch sites for nuclear missiles in Cuba. The missiles could reach America in minuets. Effects: This became a threat to US national security, which is also known as the “Cuban Missile Crisis”

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HOw does US president JFK reat or the events of Oct 26, 1962? (effects)

He issues an ultimatum to the Soviet Union to withdraw missiles from Cuba and stop the arrival of additional nuclear weapons in Cuba. JKF establishes a blockade of the air and navy.

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How does the Soviet Union respond to the US’s ultimatum? (effects)

The soviets give in to US demands.

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What happens to Joseph Stalin in 1950?

Stalin dies in 1953 and communist leaders atack and question Stalin’s rule. HIs successor was premier Nikita Khrushchev.

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What is de-STalinizaiton? (effects)

It’s Khrushchev’s policy from 1956-1964 to end STalin’s rule of terror. Government officials removed portraits of Stalin in public places, renamed institutions that had his name, commissioned HIstorians to rewrite textbooks and deflate his reputation, and thus the Soviet government’s control and releases millions of politicians held as prisoner. They’re now open to peaceful existence with other government systems.

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How oes de-Stalinization impact eastern Europe? (effects)

Eastern Europe tries to gain independence. In 1956 Hungary demands for it to become a democracy and break from soviet control and exit the Warsaw pact. However, Soviet tanks entered hungary and crush the uprising.

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What happened in Czechoslovakia in 1968?

Communist leader Alexander Dubcek launch a Democratic socialist revolution that wanted liberal communism. The movement is known as “Prague Spring” Effects: the Soviet Union ends the movement.

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What is the “Brezhnev Doctrine"?

Khrushchev’s successor was Leonoid Ilyich Brezhnev. He created a policy that said the soviets have the right to invade Eastern European nations who wanted to eliminate communism and reassert Soveit control over satellite nations in Eastern Europe.

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What is the policy of detente? (effects)

In the late 1960s, the Soviet union and uS had a policy with the goal to reduce hostility. Their strategy was to slow the arms race and political competition over capitalism/democracy vs commuinsm/totalitarianism and relaxed Cold war tensions.

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