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What is a Theist
Someone who belives in the existence of God or Gods, especislly a God who created the world and who acts to influence events
What is an Agnostic
Somone who doesn’t know, or belives it is impossible to know if God exists
What is an Athiest
someone who does not belive in any God or Gods, or belives that no God or Gods exist
What is Natural Evil
Events like hurricanes and earthquakes
What is Moral Evil
When you yourself or someone else chooses to cause harm, like mugging, stabbing or harassing someone
What is the Inconsistent Triad?
The statment that, If God is all powerful, why doesn’t he stop evil? If God is all knowing, he know’s where evil occurs. If God is all loving, he would want to stop evil. So why is there evil?
What is the Shield Of Trinity
The Father, Son and The Holy Spirit
What is the Nicene Creed
It was the statement that the council of Nicaea made. It contains a lot of important Christian beliefs, like “God created all things” and “Jesus is of the same substance as God the Father”
What were the Beatitudes
They each describe actions people could make that would bring them inner happiness and please God and they said that God Blessed the meek and those who make peace
In the sermon on the Mount , what does Jesus teach about forgiveness
That when somone is fighting or hurting you, don’t fight back and instead, “turn the other cheek” and not to give “an eye for an eye”
What does resurection mean
rising from the dead
What is Heaven
A state of eternal happiness ruled by God
What else is taught in The Sermon on The Mount
To love your enemies, forgive others, care for pooper people than yourselves
When and where did hinduism begin?
Over 5000+ years ago in Indus Valley
Where did it first spread to?
To india and the rest of asia
Estimated how mnay Hindus worldwide?
Hinduism is often refered to as what
Sanatan Dharma (Eternal Religion)
Who was the founder of Hinduism
It does not have a founder
They belive in adivine esscense/supreme God called?
What 3 Gods make up the Tri Murti
Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma
The destroyer is
The creator is
The preserver is
What does puja mean?
What does murti mean?
Whgat does ahimsa mean?
What is the atman?
A tiny piece of Brahman living inside everyone
Where is Brahman?
He is everywhere, he is the universe and he is everything
What is the meaning behind the OM symbol
It is the same sound that is uttered by Brahman
How many heads does brahma have?
What does vishnu look like
An elephant
What is the importance of the destroyer God?
Shiva takes apart the world so that it can be re-created better
What is Samsara
The cycle of Life and Death
What is Karma
The law that good things will bring good consequences and vice versa
What is Moksha
The escape from Samsara to be at one with God
what is Reincarnation
When your atman changes bodies after death
What is Dharma
Right actions or deeds
What are the principles of Sanatan Dharma
Ahimsa (Non-Violence), Sauca (Purity Od Body And Mind), Asteya (Not Stealing), Satya (Truthfulness)
Sanatan Dharma is
The eternal laws of universal principles of morality
Arti is
the offering of light to a chosen deity
Darshan is
the viewing of a holy image or object
murti is
an image or object in which brahman resides
shrine is
a holy place dedicated to a chosen deity
What are the four sublime states?
Love, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy and Equality
What is Karuna (Compassion)
Feeling concerned for the suffering of others and wanting to relieve their suffering.
What is does Annica mean
Move on and not be sad about lost things
What does Dukha mean?
Talking about problems
What does annata mean
souls are a chain of ever-changing thoughts
What is Nirvana
A state of perfect peace