Stock scenes
"in media res"
Invocations of the muse
Bronze Age
Archaic Age
Dark Age
Fire-breathing bulls
Dragon's teeth that turned into attacking warriors once planted
A dragon
He was athenian
Encouraged Athens to spend their silver on triremes
Tricked both greeks and persians into fighting at Salamis
Persuades the city to invest in its fleet
Trained Athens hoplites
Built long walls
Invaded Sicily
Thucydides: Peloponnesian War
Herodotus: Persian War
Homer: Trojan War
He was a spartiate
Alexander killed him
He saved Alexanders life
He was one of alexander’s companions
Birth of Alexander
Battle of Chaperone
Death of Philip
Battle of Gaugamela
Avenging Darius III
Wedding Darius III daughter
Keeping some Persian satraps in power
Training Persians to fight like Macedonian
Training Persians how to form a Macedonian phalanx
The sarissa
The first league between poleis
Royal pages