Key Topic 1

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The Key Topic 1 notes for Conflict in the Middle East

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1945-7 lots of terrorism especially from Jews after WW2. British restricted Jewish immigration. After a Zionist meeting in August 1945, Haganah would work with Irgun and the Stern Gang to do terrorism. In April 1946, 6 British soldiers were murdered.

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Bombing of the King David Hotel

July 1946, Irgun bombed the KDH, the British HQ in Palestine. The hotel was warned but ignored it. 91 deaths, 41 injured.

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Reasons for the British withdrawal

After 30 years in charge they handed over to the UN in May 1948.

1) 100,000 police and troops needed

2) Jewish terrorism

3) WW2 meant they needed to cut back somewhere, reduced overseas commitment and focused on welfare at home

4) 1947, the Exodus carrying Holocaust survivors was sent back to Germany, not to Palestine by the British. Brought widespread support for Jews and British criticism

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UN Resolution 181

A partition plan, meant the British could leave 14 May 1848. Jews mainly in Jewish specific areas. Jews had 56%, 43% Arab, Jerusalem and Bethlehem were an international zone. Jews accepted, Arabs rejected as Jews got the better land. Got accepted anyway, Arabs declared war.

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UN Resolution 181 Condequences

1) Both sides were willing to fight for Palestine. Jews had Irgun, Haganah, conscription and weapons from Czechoslovakia. Arabs relied on neighbouring states.

2) Armed conflict from mid-1947. Battle for Jerusalem Roads had the Jews trying to take Arab land

3) Atrocities such as massacre of Deir Yassin by Irgun, April 1948

4) Jewish independence declared 14th May 1948 and Ben Gurion became the inaugural PM. Arabs refuse to accept it

5) Arab-Israeli war of 1948-9

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The first phase

May - June 1948, Arabs take the offensive. Egyptian army crosses the Southern border. Syrian, Iraqi and Lebanese cross the Northern border. Major battle in Jerusalem, Israel gains control of West Jerusalem.

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Second Phase

July 1948. Haganah captured large Arab areas and the road to Jerusalem. Israelites resisted Egyptian advances and gained control of Galilee in the North including Arab allocated land.

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Assassination of UN mediator

September 1948. Count Bernadotte came up with a peace plan. He was assassinated by the Stern Gang. Israel disbanded the Stern Gang and Irgun to regain international support. Created the IDF.

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Third phase

October 1948 - January 1949. Israel defeats Egypt and carried on into Egypt but withdrew under US pressure.

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Final part

February - July 1949. Arab countries except Iraq, signed armistice agreements. Israel got more land from the war.

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Israeli strengths

1) Motivation (inducing Holocaust)

2) Experience (Haganah and serving Britain in WW2)

3) Well-disciplined and led (previously trained by British experts)

4) Money from abroad to buy weapons (USA)

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Arab weaknesses

1) Lack of unity between states

2) Little training and poorly led, disorganised and lack of co-ordination

3) Each state signed different treaties when it benefitted them most (Jordan when it had the West Bank)

4) They underestimated the Israelis

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Territorial changes

Israel gained land. They controlled 75% of Palestine (previously 55%). Had routes to Jerusalem, which was divided. Israel controlled the West and Jordan the East. Gaza Strip became Egyptian. Syria reached the Sea of Galilee.

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Creation of the IDF

Population doubled 770,000 to 1.7 mil by 1954. Constant worry about attacks. By 9149 IDF had over 100,000 full-time soldiers. After the war, Yigael Yadin improved its structure. Conscription for 18+, males 30 months, females 18 months. Ex-conscripts became reserves until they were 55. Money spent on developing arms (23% of the budget in 1952)

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al-Nabka for Palestinians (the catastrophe). 750,000 Arabs fled. 400 villages lost their population. Refugees lived in camps in bordering countries with a poor QoL. Around 100,000 Palestinians started new lives elsewhere. After the war, UN wanted refugees to return, Israeli government said no. 3000-5000 returners (called infiltrators) were shot dead from 1949-56 as some attacked Jews. October 1953, Israeli troops attacked Qibya, West Bank, killing 69, destroying 45 houses as revenge for 3 Israeli deaths. USA withheld $75 mil in aid from Israel. In 1949, UN made the UNRWA giving relief and jobs to Arabs. The Arab League (except Jordan) denied Palestinian Arab refugees so they could keep their identities and one day return to Palestine. However, it meant they couldn't get local jobs.

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Israel-Egypt relations

Egypt wanted revenge. Signed armistice restricted Egypt's use of military in Gaza Strip and the Fedayeen. 300,000 Palestinians in Gaza Strip, most refugees, most were told to go home. Raids on Israel from Fedayeen, stole farm equipment, did massacres and laid mines. Egypt trained them, though they came from Jordan so Israel retaliated often and we're condemned by the UN Security Council. In 1953, new Israel commando unit (Unit 101) to respond to Fedayeen infiltrations. Raided Egypt and Jordan, massacre at Qibya. Israel claimed it was the only way to show the Fedayeen were harmful to host. 1954 onwards, large scale Fedayeen attacks came from Egypt with groups set up in Gaza Strip and north-eastern Sinai to raid Southern Israel.

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Law of Return

5th July 1950, Jews could gain Israeli citizenship. In 1970, it became anyone with Jewish heritage. 1948-51, 700,000 Jews settled in Israel. Stayed in camps, which, in 1950s, some developed into development towns, most of which became cities. Criticized for discrimination against Palestinians who wanted to return to their homes and the earlier Jews dominated jobs and politics, leading to riots. Increase in religion taught in schools. Kibbutzim (communal farms) set up to encourage unity.

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US aid to Israel

Pre-1945, the US has very little interest in the Middle East. WW2 brought support for Zionists. Truman wanted the Jewish people's vote so pressured Britain to allow more Jewish refugees to Palestine and was the first state to acknowledge Israel. Israel was also democratic, Arab countries weren't, USA concerned due to the Cold War. Limited aid was given until 1948. $50 mil donation for an appeal by Golda Meier, $65 mil aid for immigrants, some Americans joined the International brigade, helping Israel in the war, didn't sell arms until 1960s, West Germany payed reparations of $845 mil, rich foreign Jews, such as Rothschild in the UK, donated to Israel.

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King Farouk became unpopular due to losing the 1948/9 war and hadn't stopped British involvement in Egypt (80,000 troops guarding the Suez Canal). Nasser wanted independence, pride and prosperity. Royal family was removed in 1952. In October 1954, Britain withdrew their troops from the Suez Canal (wanted help against USSR but didn't get it), used a radio station in Cairo to spread the voice of the Arabs, began internal reform (schools, hospitals, Aswan Dam)

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Israel attack on Gaza

Israel wanted to undermine and humiliate Nasser for his support of the Fedayeen. On 25th February 1955, Arab infiltrators killed an Israeli civilian in Rehovot

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Israel attacks on Sinai

25 October 1956, Nasser became in charge of Jordan and Syrian armies too. Egypt blocked the Straits of Tiran and the Israeli post of Eilat. Further attacks from the Fedayeen. Britain, France and Israel attacked Egypt on the 29th. Egypt were defeated by November 1st with Israeli troops headed for the Suez Canal. Captured most of the Sinai, Egyptian garrison at Sharm el-Sheikh was overwhelmed on 5th November, ending the Sinai campaign. It took 8 days for Israel to capture Sinai and the Gaza Strip only losing 231 soldiers. Egypt had near 7000 casualties, a further 6000 captured. Showed Israeli strength and Egyptian weakness. Israel had to withdraw in March 1957 after US pressure. Gaza raids stopped with UN peace keeping forces separating the countries.

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Suez Crisis Background

October 1954, British troops were removed from the canal, but it was open to use and could be defended by the British if under threat. February 1955, Anthony Eden didn't give arms to Nasser worsening relationships as he got them from Czechoslovakia instead. Nasser wanted to destroy Israel with them and blocked the port of Eilat. January 1956, Britain and USA agreed to finance the Aswan Dam but withdrew funding in July due to a good Egypt-Soviet relationship and the World Bank refused to pay the promised $200 mil. Nasser nationalised the Suez Canal, 26 July. Any revenue would fund the Aswan Dam, Eden saw this as a breech to the agreement and instead of appeasement, like against Hitler, they used military intervention. The USA didn't support this. October 1956, Eden met with Mollet and Ben-Gurion at Sèvres to help Israel seize Sinai and the Suez Canal. On 29 October, Israel advanced to Sinai and 2 days later, the British and French entered the canal zone.

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Suez Crisis

29 October 1956, Israel surprise attack Egypt through Sinai. 30th, Britain and France demanded for an Egyptian withdrawal from the Suez Canal and declared a ceasefire or else they would intervene. 1st November, Britain and France destroy Egypt's airforce and planes. 5th, Israeli-Egypt fight almost ceased but Britain and France dropped paratroopers at Port Said claiming they were intervening. 6th, 200 France and GB warships bombarded the port, adding 22,000 troops and claiming Port Said. Nasser ordered the blockage of the Suez Canal. 7th, Britain and France announced a ceasefire, withdrawing their troops over 6 weeks. Israelis withdrew 6 months later and UN peacekeeping troops were sent. 26 GB + France soldiers died, Egypt lost around 30000

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Why did they withdraw?

International condemnation. USA sent the UN a resolution on the 2nd, GB+ France vetoed it and pressured Israel to continue so they could act as peacekeepers. Soviet Union threatened to help Egypt and hinted at using missiles. US forces were put on standby and Eisenhower pressured Eden to withdraw. The cut off of oil, thanks to the Suez Canal blockage hurt Britain. Their only other source was the USA, who only would provide if Britain withdrew.

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1) Opposition to the Western world and Arab unity. UAR in 1958-61.

2) Israel strengthened with the UN buffer zone increasing security. Nasser had to reopen the port of Eilat due to the Fedayeen

3) USA and USSR came out as key powers

4) Nasser was seen as a hero and was credited by the media with the USSR funding the Aswan Dam

5) The end of British influence in Egypt. It was a massive failure for GB and France, Nasser became more popular and wasn’t destroyed as they had hoped for

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