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Contains all genetic information in chromosomes. Densely packed area of DNA.
Site for respiration; converts sugars into ATP.
Rough ER
Produce proteins to be exported from the cell.
Produce proteins to be used by the cell.
Golgi Apparatus
Modifies and packages proteins produced in the RER to be exported by the cell via exocytosis.
Cell Membrane
Controls entry and exit of nutrients and waste.
In animal cells, they help sequester waste, and in plants they help maintain water balance.
Produce energy through photosynthesis and oxygen release process which sustain plant growth and crop yield.
Digestive system of the cell, serving to both degrade and to digest.
Purines (LARGER)
Adenine and Guanine
Pyrimidines (SMALLER)
Thymine and Cytosine
used as a template to make proteins
makes up ribosomes
matches amino acids to mRNA to help make proteins
makes ribosomes, the cell's protein builders.
The cell carries out its differentiated functions and produces more organelles.
S (Synthesis)
DNA replicates producing a copy of each chromosome so that each daughter has the right number of chromosomes.
The cell prepares for division (mitosis)
The process in which a single parent cell divides to make two new daughter cells.
Prophase (Mitosis)
Nucleolus dissapears, chromatin condenses into chromosomes, formation of miotic spindle.
Metaphase (Mitosis)
Chromosomes align in the metaphase plate and the middle of the cell.
Anaphase (Mitosis)
Chromatids separate towards opposite poles.
Telophase (Mitosis)
New nuclear envelope forms, chromosomes unfold back into chromatin, cell continues to elongate (cytokenisis)
The process of cell division where the cell splits.
Malignant Definition
An invasive tumor formed from abnormally replicating cells from nearby tissues.
Metastases Defenition
New tumors throughout the body.
Carcinogen Definition
An agent with the capacity to cause cancer in humans.
Tumor Defenition
A mass of cells.
Environmental Factors That Cause Cancer
- Chemicals
- Radiation (Tissue damage)
- Viruses (Rous Sarcoma Virus)