the three types of blood vessels
arteries, veins, capillaries
relaxtion of heart
contraction of heart
seminular valves
pulmonary valve + aortic valve
atrioventricular valves
triscupid valve + biscuspid valve
function of valves within heart
prevent backflow of blow
these structures cover the atria
which two champers contain DEoxygenated blood
right atrium and right ventricle
the two chambers of heart that contain oxygenated blood are
left atrium and left ventricle
how many chambers of the heart are there?
four chambers
systemic circuit loop does what
carries blood to body tissues and back
pulmonary circuit loop does what
carries blood to lungs
thickest layer of the heart
serous pericardium does what
lubricates and reduces friction
fibrous pericardium provides
protection + anchors the heart
most americans have what percent Rh positive
how is the Rh system determined
the absence or presence of Rh antigens