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vascular system
is a major part of the circulatory system. It is of special importance to the phlebotomist who must access it to obtain blood specimens for laboratory testing.
pulmonary, systemic circulation
There are two divisions of vascular system
pulmonary circulation
carries blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs to remove carbon dioxide and pick up oxygen; the oxygenated blood is then returned to the left atrium of the heart.
systemic circulation
serves the rest of the body, carrying oxygenated blood and nutrients from the left ventricle of the heart to the body cells and then returning to the right atrium of the heart with blood carrying carbon dioxide and other waste products of metabolism from the cells.
Tunica externa, media, intima
The walls of the arteries and veins consist of three layers.
Are large thick-walled blood vessels that propel oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to the capillaries.
Arteries branch into smaller thinner vessels called
Pulmonary artery
is the only artery that carries deoxygenated, or oxygen-poor, blood.
have thinner walls than arteries and carry oxygen-poor blood, carbon dioxide, and other waste products back to the heart. NO GASEOUS EXCHANGE TAKES PLACE IN THE VEINS, only in the capillaries.
venous blood.
Most blood tests are performed on ?
is the procedure for removing blood from a vein for analysis.
are small veins that connect capillaries to larger veins.
pulmonary vein
the only vein that carries oxygenated blood.
are the smallest blood vessels.
arterial and venous blood.
The blood in capillaries is a mixture of?
Antecubital Fossa
is the shallow triangular depression in the arm that is anterior to (in front of) and slightly below the bend of the elbow
It is the first-choice location for venipuncture because several major arm veins lie close to the surface in this area, making them relatively easy to locate and penetrate with a needle.
median cubital vein
Located near the center of the antecubital area, it is the first choice for venipuncture in the M-shaped pattern because it is well anchored, tends to be less painful to puncture, and is not as close to major nerves or arteries as the others, making it generally the safest one to use.
Located in the lateral aspect of the antecubital area, it is the second choice for venipuncture in the M-shaped pattern because it is accessible and is for the most part located away from major nerves or arteries, making it generally safe to puncture. It is also less likely to roll and relatively less painful to puncture.
Basilic Vein
Located in the medial aspect of the antecubital area, it is the last choice for venipuncture in the M-shaped pattern (even though it may appear larger and more accessible) because it is more painful to puncture
bicipital aponeurosis
The median vein and the lateral aspect of the median cubital vein overlie a fibrous membrane called the
Localized dilation or bulging in the wall of a blood vessel, usually an artery
Thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of artery walls
Form of arteriosclerosis involving thickening of the intima of the artery due to the buildup of plaque (lipid–calcium deposits)
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Pathological widespread clotting and fibrinolysis in which coagulation factors are consumed to such an extent that bleeding occurs
Obstruction of a blood vessel by an embolus
Blood clot, part of a blood clot, or other mass of undissolved matter circulating in the bloodstream
Inflammation of a vein
Inflammation of a vein along with thrombus (blood clot) formation
Blood clot in a blood vessel or organ
Varicose veins
Swollen, knotted superficial veins. Usually found in the legs, these are veins that have been twisted and enlarged.
Tests for vascular system disorder
Fibrin degradation products (FDP)
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT/APTT)
Platelet function analysis/assay (PFA)
Prothrombin time (PT)