==PASTEUR:== Showed that microbes come from other microbes, not from non-living materials
==KOCH:== Developed a method to show that a specific microbe causes a disease
==PASTEUR:== Developed a method used even today to get rid of microbes in food and drink
==SEMMELWEISS:== Showed that handwashing between patients prevents transmission of pathogens
Give half the participants antacids and half the participants a sugar pill then measure the number of ulcers per person.
Observe pathogen in only diseased and not healthy animals
Isolate pathogen from diseased animal in vitro
Introduce isolated pathogen into a healthy test animal and show that it develops disease
Re-isolate pathogen from the diseased test animal
H. pylori is disappearing from Westernized populations compared to earlier generations
H. pylori can survive in stomach acid
Barry Marshall drank a flask of H. pylori and gave himself an ulcer
H. pylori has only recently been found in human populations
The lack of H. pylori can cause other diseases
athletes of the same age who are given a sugar pill