Anatomy and Physiology Vocabulary

Pseudo- : fake, false; Ex. pseudostratified epithelium (not really layered)

Cyt-, -cyt: cell; Ex. cytoplasm, leukocyte

Ose-, ossi-, ost(eo)- : bone; Ex. osteoporosis (low bone mass)

Plant-, sole-, tars- : sole of foot; Ex. plantar flexion, soleus muscle; tarsal bones.

Hist- : tissue; Ex. histology

Crine- : to secrete; Ex. endocrine system

Inter- : between; Ex. intermediate

-scopy, -scope: viewing of; Ex. endoscopy, microscope

Derm- : skin; Ex. dermatology, microdermabrasion

Hypo- : below; Ex. hypodermis

Kerat- : hard; Ex. keratin

Melan- dark; Ex. melanocytes

Cut- : skin; Ex. cutaneous layer

Para- : beside, next to; Ex. paravertebral (besides the vertebrae)

Peri- : surrounding, around; Ex. peritoneum (serous membrane surroudning many abdominal organs).

Pre- : before; Ex. prenatal (before birth)

Auto- : self; Ex. autoimmune disorder

-itis: inflammation; Ex. dermatitis

Di-, dis- : apart, separation; Ex. dilation, dissection

Hyper- : excessive, above normal; Ex. hyperpigmentation
