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Self Efficacy Theory
A theory that explains an individual's belief in their own ability to change their behavior.
Mastery Experiences
Experiences of success that build self-belief and resilience; failures should be viewed as learning opportunities.
Vicarious Reinforcement
The influence of role models; individuals are likely to imitate behaviors reinforced in similar others.
Social Persuasion
Encouragement from respected individuals that can temporarily enhance a person's perceived ability to change.
Emotional State
Affects self-efficacy negatively when associated with stress, anxiety, and fear; improvements can increase self-efficacy.
Outcome Expectancy
An individual's assessment that a certain behavior will lead to a particular outcome.
High Self Efficacy
Helpful in behavioral change but can lead to over-confidence.
Key Influences on Self Efficacy
Mastery experiences, vicarious reinforcement, social persuasion, and emotional states.
Aim of Study on Self Efficacy
To show that self efficacy increases and avoidance decreases with reduction in anxiety through treatment.
Findings Post-Treatment
Self efficacy was high and positively correlated with more snake interactions and fewer avoidance behaviors.
Weakness of the Study
Anxiety was created by the treatment, which could be unethical and led to a small sample bias.
Strength of the Study
Highly standardized method and ethical exposure to anxiety by allowing participants control over their fear hierarchy.