Last Minute AP Statistics Cheat Sheet (WITH FORMULAS)

General Strategies for AP Statistics

  1. Be Specific:

    • Always include numerical values and context.
      Example: Instead of saying "a large number of students," specify "25 out of 100 students." This clarifies the scale and ensures a precise understanding.

  2. Define and Show Work:

    • Clearly define variables and show all calculations step-by-step. This not only demonstrates your understanding but can also earn partial credit for correct methods, even if the final answer is wrong.
      Example: If X is the number of successes in a binomial distribution, define it before starting your calculation.

  3. Read Carefully:

    • Understand the question requirements before answering. Highlight key points or terms to focus your response.

  4. Check Your Answers:

    • After solving, review your solution. Ensure it fits the problem context and check for calculation errors.

Descriptive Statistics

CUSS Method (for describing distributions):
  • Center: Use the mean or median depending on the data's skewness.

    • Example: The median is better for skewed data, while the mean is appropriate for symmetrical data.

  • Unusual Features: Identify outliers or gaps and discuss their impact.

    • Example: An outlier might significantly affect the mean but have little effect on the median.

  • Spread: Discuss variability using range, interquartile range (IQR), or standard deviation.

    • Example: Standard deviation measures how spread out the data is from the mean.

  • Shape: Describe the distribution's shape:

    • Symmetrical: Mean ≈ Median.

    • Skewed Right: Tail on the right; mean > median.

    • Skewed Left: Tail on the left; mean < median.

    • Unimodal: One peak in the data

    • Bimodal: Two peaks in the data.

Example Scenario:
For a histogram of test scores:

  • Center: Mean = 75.

  • Spread: Standard deviation = 10.

  • Shape: Skewed right, indicating more low scores.

SOCS Method (for analyzing data sets and graphs)
  • Shape: Identify overall pattern and shape of the data distribution.

    • Example: Symmetrical, skewed left/right, or unimodal/bimodal.

  • Outliers: Detect any points that fall far outside the general pattern.

    • Example: In a dataset with test scores, a score of 100 might be an outlier if most scores are between 50 and 70.

  • Center: Determine the typical value, using mean or median.

    • Example: Median is better when there are outliers.

  • Spread: Measure variability using range, IQR, or standard deviation.

    • Example: An IQR of 20 indicates that the middle 50% of data points are spread across 20 units.

DUFS Method (for describing scatterplots)
  • Direction: Determine if the relationship is positive, negative, or neither.

Example: A positive direction means that as x increases, y increases.

  • Unusual Features: Look for outliers or clusters that do not fit the general pattern.

Example: A point far from the rest of the data in a scatterplot of height vs. weight.

  • Form: Identify the form of the relationship (linear or nonlinear).

Example: A linear form suggests a straight-line relationship, while a curved pattern indicates nonlinearity.

  • Strength: Assess how tightly the points follow the form.

Example: A strong correlation means points closely follow a line.

Describing a Relationship (STD)
  • Strength: Strong, moderate, or weak.

    • Example: r=0.9 suggests a strong linear relationship.

  • Trend: Identify if the relationship is linear or nonlinear.

    • Example: A curved scatterplot indicates a nonlinear trend.

  • Direction: Positive or negative.

    • Example: A positive correlation means that as one variable increases, so does the other.

Probability Distributions

Binomial Distribution: (BINS)
  • B: Binary-either success or failure

  • I: Independent trials

  • N: Number of trials fixed

  • S: Success probability stays the same

Properties: Fixed number of trials (n), binary outcomes (success/failure), independent trials, and constant probability of success (p).



is the number of ways to choose k successes from n trials.

Example: The probability of flipping exactly 3 heads in 5 coin tosses.

Geometric Distribution: (BITS)
  • B: Binary-either success or failure

  • I: Independent trials

  • T: Trials until success

  • S: Success probability stays the same

Properties: Trials continue until the first success, with constant probability p.


Example: Probability of rolling a six on the third dice roll.

Inferential Statistics

Constructing Confidence Intervals (PANIC method):
  1. P: Define the parameter of interest (mean μ\muμ or proportion ppp).

  2. A: State assumptions:

    • Random Sample

    • Normality: For means, use CLT if n≥30; for proportions, check np≥10 and n(1−p)≥10.

  3. N: Name the interval (e.g., 1-proportion z-interval).

  4. I: Calculate the interval:

    • For proportions: 

  • For means (unknown σ): 

  1. C: Conclude in context (e.g., "We are 95% confident that the true proportion is between...").

Hypothesis Testing (PHANTOMS method):
  1. P: Define the parameter and significance level (α).

  2. H: State hypotheses (H0​ and Ha).

  3. A: Check assumptions (randomness, normality, independence).

  4. N: Identify the test (e.g., 1-proportion z-test).

  5. T: Calculate the test statistic:

    • For proportions:

  1. O: Find the p-value.

  2. M: Make a decision (p<α: Reject H0​).

  3. S: State the conclusion in context.

Regression Analysis

  • Slope Interpretation: For each unit increase in x, y changes by the slope value.

    • Example: If the slope is 2.5, the predicted score increases by 2.5 points for each additional hour studied.

  • Coefficient of Determination (R2):

    • Indicates the percentage of variability in y explained by x.

    • Example: R2= 0.75 means 75% of the variation in test scores is explained by study hours.

  • Residual Plots:

    • No pattern suggests a good linear fit.

    • Curves or patterns suggest a nonlinear relationship or the need for transformation.

Experimental Design

Sampling Methods:
  • Simple Random Sample (SRS): Equal chance for all samples.

  • Stratified (Random): Divide into strata, then sample from each.

  • Cluster: Randomly select clusters and sample all within them.

  • Systematic: Sample every kth individual after a random start.

  • Voluntary: Sample is selected in a way that people do not have to respond

  • Convenience: Sample people who are easy or comfortable to collect information from.

Bias Types:
  • Voluntary Response Bias: Participants self-select; often not representative.

  • Undercoverage: Some groups excluded from the sample.

  • Non-response Bias: Selected individuals do not respond.

  • Response Bias: Misleading or biased questions lead to incorrect responses.

  • Wording of Questions: Question is worded so that a certain response is given. 

Key Formulas and Concepts

  • Standard Deviation (σ or s):
    Measures data spread from the mean.

  • Z-Score

Indicates how many standard deviations x is from the mean.

  • Central Limit Theorem (CLT):
    For large n, the sampling distribution of the mean is approximately normal.

Types of Errors in Hypothesis Testing

  • Type I Error (α): Rejecting H0​ when it’s actually true.

  • Type II Error (β): Failing to reject H0 when Ha is true.

  • Power of a Test:
    Probability of correctly rejecting H0; increasing sample size improves power.

Types of Graphs 

1. Histogram
  • Description: Displays the frequency distribution of numerical data by grouping data into intervals (bins).

  • Usage: Useful for identifying the shape of a distribution (e.g., symmetrical, skewed).

  • Example: Showing the distribution of test scores among students.

2. Boxplot (Box-and-Whisker Plot)
  • Description: Visual representation of the 5-number summary (minimum, Q1, median, Q3, maximum).

  • Usage: Ideal for identifying outliers and comparing distributions.

  • Example: Comparing the spread of scores between two classes.

3. Dotplot
  • Description: Displays individual data points on a number line.

  • Usage: Useful for small datasets to show frequency and distribution.

  • Example: Representing the number of pets owned by students in a class.

4. Stemplot (Stem-and-Leaf Plot)
  • Description: Splits data into stems (the leading digits) and leaves (the trailing digits).

  • Usage: Preserves raw data while showing distribution.

  • Example: Displaying exam scores (e.g., 85 → stem: 8, leaf: 5).

5. Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Graph)
  • Description: Plots cumulative frequencies, showing the number of observations below each value.

  • Usage: Helpful for understanding percentiles and cumulative data.

  • Example: Showing the cumulative percentage of students scoring below certain thresholds on a test.

6. Pie Chart
  • Description: A circular chart divided into sectors representing proportions.

  • Usage: Best for categorical data and displaying relative frequencies as percentages.

  • Example: Visualizing the proportion of students choosing different subjects.

7. Bar Graph
  • Description: Uses bars to represent frequencies of categorical data.

  • Usage: Useful for comparing categories.

  • Example: Comparing the number of students in different grade levels.

8. Segmented Bar Graph
  • Description: A bar graph divided into segments, each representing a category within a whole.

  • Usage: Useful for comparing the composition of different groups.

  • Example: Showing the distribution of favorite sports across different grades.

9. Scatterplot
  • Description: Plots pairs of quantitative data points on a coordinate plane.

  • Usage: Shows relationships between two variables (correlation, trends, outliers).

  • Example: Examining the relationship between study hours and exam scores.

10. Normal Probability Plot
  • Description: Plots data points against a normal distribution to assess normality.

  • Usage: Determines if data is approximately normally distributed.

  • Example: Checking if the heights of students follow a normal distribution.

List of Notations and Interpretations

1. Descriptive Statistics Notations

2. Probability Notations

3. Inferential Statistics Notations

4. Regression and Correlation Notations

5. Distribution and Sampling Notations

6. Chi-Square Notations