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Manual Hemocytometry Errors
Random / Human
Standard / Systematic (equipment)
Inherent / Field
random settling of cells
Poisson’s Law
RBC diluting fluids
Hayem’s + HgCl
Gower’s + Glycerine
Toisson’s + Methyl violet
Bethel’s + Sodium thiosulfate
Formol citrate / Dacie’s best
Normal saline solution
Formol citrate / Dacie’s best
prevents the growth of molds
Normal Saline Solution
cheapest diluting fluid
0.85% NaCl conc
lyse WBC
WBC diluting fluids
2.3% HAc / Ch3COOH with methyl violet
1% HCl with methyl violet
2.3% HAc / Ch3COOH with methyl violet
1% HCl with methyl violet
to differentiate from RBC diluting fluid
acids don
Red bead
thoma pipet for RBC
White bead
thoma pipet for WBC
Nucleated Red Blood Cells
these are seen in newborns or patients with leukemia
>10 NRBCs (immature) / 100 WBCs in the differential count
corrected WBC
CWBC = uncorrected count x no. NRBCs / 100 + no. of NRBCs
long method CWBC
CWBC = 100 / (100 + NRBCs) x uncorrected count
short method CWBC
Differential count
counting various types of WBC in % in a blood smear
human is better than any machine to recognize cells. true or false?
½ or 2/3 of the slide
feathery edge
head, body, tail (zone of morphology)
no holes
no overlapping cells
thick to thin (gradual transition)
a blood smear must:
False. venous blood causes holes
holes may be caused by using capillary blood instead of venous blood. true or false?
stain used in blood smear
Hema Quick
what is the stain used in our laboratory?
2-slide method
Slide and coverslip method
2-coverslip method
methods of blood smear for differential count
Affects the quality of the smear
size of the drop of blood
speed of spreading
pressure on the slide
surface of the slide and spreader
these factors affects _________
30 degrees
ideal angle for smearing
2-field meander
4-field meander
Exaggerated battlement
Crenelation / Strip differential
methods of counting
SI unit
conventional unit
Male: 4.5 - 5.9 × 1012 cells/liter
Female: 4.0 - 5.2 × 1012 cells/liter
RBC reference value (SI unit)
Male: 4,500,000 - 5,900,000 cells/mm3
Female: 4,000,000 - 5,200,000 cells/mm3
RBC reference values (conventional)
Male: 13.5 - 17.5 grams/deciliter
Female: 12 - 16 grams/deciliter
Hb reference values (not the SI unit)
Male: 135 -175 grams/liter
Female: 120 - 160 grams/liter
Hb reference values (SI unit)
Male: 0.41 - 0.53 liter/liter
Female: 0.36 - 0.46 liter/liter
Hct reference values (SI unit)
Male: 41-53%
Female: 36-46%
Hct reference values (percentage)
B12 deficiency
more than 100 femtoliters indicates
Iron deficiency
less than 80 femtoliters indicates
1 × 109 - 3 × 109 cells/liter
platelet count reference values (SI unit)
100,00 - 300,000 cells/mm3
platelet count reference values (conventional)
Reticulocyte count
this count helps differentiate if the anemia is hemolytic or non-hemolytic
reticulocyte/retics count reference values for adult
reticulocyte/retics count reference values for infants
4.5 - 11 × 109 cells/liter
WBC reference values - male & female (SI unit)
4,500 - 11,000 cells/mm3
WBC reference values - male & female (conventional)
Estrogen doesn’t affect WBCs
why are WBC reference values the same for male and females?
Neutrophils (segmenters)
WBC differential count (pre 200 or 100 cells)
Neutrophils - 47-79.5%
Lymphocytes - 12.5-40%
Monocytes - 2-11%
Eosinophils - 0-7%
Basophils - 0-2%
Band/Stab/Staff - 0-5%
WBCC reference values
neutrophils higher than 80% indicates
lobulated nuclei
3-6 lobules
lilac granules
Viral infection
high lymphocyte count indicates
TB, syphilis
has vacuoles
largest WBC
parasitic infections
orange granules
allergies with eosinophils
elevated in cancers
least occurring cell
blue-black granules
immature neutrophil
an increase number of red blood cells
oil immersion field
8-10 count
platelets must be estimated
Estimated WBC and Differential Count
2-3 = 4×103 - 7×103
4-6 = 7×103 - 10×103
7-10 = 10×103 - 13×103
11-20 = 13×103 to 18×103