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Large food molecules need to be __________ into _________ ones
broken down smaller
Mouth = __________ digestion
Salivary amylase begins ________ digestion of _________
chemical starch
____________: a wave of muscle contractions that push the bolus into the stomach
Where does peristalsis occur
In the stomach ______ kills bacteria at a PH of ___
Acid 2
In the stomach ______ begins digestion of ________
pepsin proteins
Bile from the liver and gallbladder __________ acids and ____________ fats
neutralizes emulsifies
Pancreatic amlayse and lipase digest _____________ and ______
carbohydrates fats
Trypsin digests ____________ to ____________
polypeptides amino acids
Another name for the small intestine
In the ileum the small intestine ___________ ___________ into the __________
absorbs nutrients blood
In the large intestine _______ is reclaimed and returned to the blood
During ____________ faeces is forced out of the anus
Enzymes ________________ large food molecules into smaller ones
break down
Enzymes ___________ the process of __________ by lowering the _______________________ for the reaction
speed up digestion activation energy
Enzymes work at ___________ temperature
Hydrolysis is the reaction used to _____________ large organic molecules
break down
____________: a globular protein that increases the rate of a biochemical reaction by lowering the activation energy threshold
Digestive enzymes are released into the ______ from _____ and are used in _________ reactions that break down larger molecules
gut glands catabolic
High temperature in enzymes could cause damage to ________ and _________
cells proteins
Salivary amylase breaks down _______ into _________
starch maltose
Pepsin breaks down _______________ into __________________
polypepptides amino acids
Pacreatic lipase breaks down _______________ into _________ and _____________
triglycerides fatty acids glycerol
Pancreatic juice containing enzymes is released into the upper region of the small intestine via the ________________
pancreatic duct
3 functions of the Mucosa: _______________
Secretion, absorption, protection
2 functions of Submucosa: ________________
Nutrition and protection
Function of the Muscular Layer: _________________
Perform peristalsis
Serosa is the ________________
protective outer layer
Function of the epithelial layer: _________________
Aid in the transportation of filtered material through active transport
Function of villi:
Increase the surface area for absorption
Lacteals (lymph vessels) allow for ___________ and transport of ___________
rapid absorption lipids
Capillaries close to the epithelium act as a short path for _________ and provide a rich supply of ____________
diffusion blood
____________ is the uptake of these molecules into the blood
After absorption, molecules are carried to the tissues where they are __________ - taken in to be used
Digested glucose is ___________ and then ___________ to various body tissues
absorbed transported