Separation anxiety
The child becomes distressed when mother left the room
Reunion behaviour
The child showed signs of joy on reunion with mother
Stranger anxiety
they were apprehensive of the stranger when they entered or attempted to interact with the infant, or if they would accept comfort from the stranger when they were distressed
Secure base behaviour
show no signs of using mother as a secure base.
Insecure avoidant
Low Separation anxiety
NO Reunion behaviour
Low Stranger anxiety
Secure base behaviour
Caused by caregivers who are indifferent to the infant's needs
Securely attached
Moderate Separation anxiety
Reunion behaviour
Moderate Stranger anxiety
Good Secure base behaviour
Caused by caregivers who are sensitive and responsive to infant's needs
Insecure resistant
High Separation anxiety
Inconsistent Reunion behaviour
Little secure base behaviour
Caused by caregivers who are respond inconsistently to infant's needs