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Who struggles with money more and why?
state, because they have tighter restraints. Federal gov can always borrow more money
The federal government can run __ or __
budget deficits, shortfalls
What are user fees?
hidden taxes for services
What is the most important state revenue?
sales tax
sales tax is…
property tax is..
what are excise taxes?
sin taxes on certain goods; varies widely by state
what is the biggest pro to sales tax?
less visible, and they are focused consumption taxes, meaning they don’t change consumer behavior; people will still buy things and not pay attention to the tax.
no taxes on…
necessities to lighten burden on low-income
Quill Corp v North Dakota
State cannot impose sales tax on businesses without a physical location in state. this resulted in severe loss of revenue.
South Dakota v Wayfair
reversed Quill; what determines sales tax is where the consumer resides
yoga tax
new service tax on fitness programs
what is the biggest local government revenue
property tax
an effective tax means…
a tax that varies and has exceptions
proposition 13
capped property tax at 1% and froze rates in 1976
Relationship between economy and property tax
the better we are doing economically, the higher the property tax
intergovernmental transfers and the biggest one
federal to states; medicaid
unfunded mandates
demands from higher government without money to help implement
severance tax
tax added when a state’s resources are taken
tax capacity
tax effort
how willing a community is willing to pay for taxes in exchange for better services
taxes are a direct result of..
political culture which explains state differences
geography’s affect on tax
if an area with lower tax isn’t available, then people are forced to pay
geology’s affect on tax
can be a great source, but is unsteady and doesn’t account for good or bad years
how is debt usually issued?
bonds; fixed rate and day of payment
bonds typically finance…
capital investments
general obligation bond
secured by taxing power, has to be approved by voters
revenue bond
secured by revenue, such as toll road
municipal bonds
income from the development is tax exempt
when does the fiscal year start?
how does a budget get passed?
the government budget branch tells agencies to draw budget requests; branch reviews and advises cheif executive who then develops exact budget. Then submits a balanced budget, which legislation reviews and sends back.
balanced budget
the idea that a budget cannot plan for more debt
rainy day funds
in an ideal system, rainy day funds can help stabilize community during times economic decline
when revenue decreases, what’s the first to go?
discretionary funds, which is often education
effect of obamacar/affordable care act
raised medicaid expenses
fiscal federalism
federal government takes care of funding, while the state implements
National Federation of Independent Business v Sebelius
states do not have to expand Medicaid
entitlement programs
Medicaid and welfare; rights granted to citizens under federal law
AFDC was for __ and replaced by __
women and children, TANF
how did TANF decrease how many people were on welfare?
more criteria and less benefits
how are highways funded
gas tax
Lawmakers effect on budget
have little control
requires states to report how many state employees will be on health benefits
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
curtained unfunded mandates, but often ignore
ballot initiatives create…
massive headaches for budgeting
job of the governor
executing laws passed by legislation, but also being lead political action and chief spokesperson
how has role of governor changed?
initially had little power due to mistrust and now like mini presidents
plural executive system
governor is one of many elected
how do governors affect laws?
due to veto power, legislators will write laws that will be passed. legislators need governor since he approves state budget and can give jobs
governors serve as ___ ____ ____ due to ability to call on many people
leading party figures
formal powers of governor
power to appoint, power to veto, power to pardon, power to call sessions
plum jobs
governors reward campaign contributors with jobs
split ticket voting is only used for…
governor due to being in low turnout years, and people needing governor specific to their state rather than a party
lame duck seasons
time after election when the old person is still in office, hence they have less influence
in texas, how does the governor affect budget?
he can recommend but has no actual authority
line item veto
veto that rejects portion of bill. unique to governors- president is unable.
power to grant pardons
often at last minute governor will make pardons
power to call sessions
meetings for issues the governor wants to deal with right away, but often planned in advance
popular support
having the people’s support to build bully pulpit
party support
having a majority party in legislature means less vetoes will likely be overturned; the governor is more likely to grant favors
ability to communicate
what the governor says, people listen to more
who is likely to be a governor
middle age white men; recently, more women and more rich outsiders
what is the main need to be governor
ability to raise money for campaigning
biggest threat to a governor while in office
term limits; many have 2 term limits.
why don’t governors get elected as president anymore?
no outsider appeal, don’t spend their time in Washington debating things like legislatives
explain lieutenant governor
used to have no power, but recently has more. deals with issues designated from governor. In texas, he resides over state senate by making the agenda and appointing committee assignments
attorney general
top law officer. finds power by banding together on partisan basis to sue, such as the tobacco industry
Explain HMOs
managed care that contains costs and expands patient coverage; insurance company decides treatment rather than doctor
Explain ACOs
accountable care organization; took over for HMOs, as insurance companies make set budget then let doctors decide care
Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Org
overturned roe v wade
Most Medicaid expenses are for what demographic?
older and disabled people
How have the costs of Medicaid been attempted to decrease?
shifting to at-home care for older adults instead of nursing homes
Hawaii Rule
if religious companies do not want to offer contraception, then employees can get it directly from health insurance
Why do hospitals push for expanding Medicaid?
price of uncompensated care is a burden
Why is the Affordable Care Act constitutional?
under congress’s taxing authority
biggest long-term budget problem in state government is…
retired state employee’s healthcare
If people make too little for insurance but too much for Medicaid, then…
county/local government usually aids with community health centers
Why do rural hospitals struggle so much?
reliant on fee-for-service model, cannot afford electronic records and other expensive requirements
Clinton made for children in low income families. States have freedom to implement.
golden rule of politics
whoever has the gold makes the rules
origins of welfare
originally in hands of local government. Europe implemented insurances and retirement programs, and USA followed only after Great Depression with unemployment compensation and Social Security. Healthcare nets still in local/state government.
Medicare was implemented by…
Johnson, as to cover hospital bills and physician visits for older adults.
How is Medicare run?
run and financed by federal government
How is Medicaid run?
state-federal paid by general revenue, hence not an unfunded mandate
Explain how Medicaid is a double entitlement program
states have right to a certain amount of federal money for medicaid each year, and individuals who meet eligibility thresholds are entitled to Medicaid service
Tommy Thompson (Wisconsin) and his impact
As AFDC was more expensive, Tommy asked mothers on welfare how he could help. Resulted in providing jobs, childcare, and transportation
AFDC was eventually replaced by …
TANF which has Tommy’s idea, but state’s set requirement and there is far less money
Health Security Act
attempted universal healthcare by Clinton. Defeated because he could not come to compromise.
Maine’s attempt at universal healthcare. Showed that federal backup is needed.
Massachusett’s Universal Healthcare Attempt
made healthcare required, but still not universal as some people would rather pay the fee than to get health insurance; state could not keep up financially, tried looking for coordinated care options
Under the Affordable Care Act, dependents can stay on parent’s insurance until…
Texas governor
Budget making power- shares responsibility
Line Item Veto Power- has generally and on appropriation amounts
Legislative votes over veto- 2/3 elected
Authorization for reorganization through executive order- no