The quest for political stability 1660-88? Political 3
When did Richard Cromwell resign?
Who attempted to remove the Rump?
Council of Officers
Who marched forces to London to restore a ‘free parliament’
General George Monck
What was Georges Moncks untilmate aim?
Restore the Stuart Monarchy
Where did Charles II move to?
Protestant Holland
Why did Charles II move?
Advised by George Monck to be better perceived by England
What happened in 1660 regarding Monck and Parliament?
He organised them to return so that they could legitimately dissolve parliament
What did Charles devise with the help of Monck and Hyde?
Declaration of Breda
What did the Declaration of Breda commit Charles to?
Cooperation and Harmony with the political nation
Amnesty for actions taken in Civil war and Interregnum except those who signed Charles I death warrant
Settlement of outstanding issues with parliament
Promises: Pay arrears of Army pay and religious toleration
Who met in April 1660?
The convention parliament
What happened May 5th 1660?
The assembly voted that the government should consist of Lords Kings and Commons
What happened May 25th 1660?
Charles II landed at Dover
What did Charles state when he landed at Dover?
‘it was the 12th year of his reign’
Why was the convention parliament dissolved?
No details or conditions had been put in place before Charles’ return so no settlement yet
What occurred after the 5th Monarchists failed rebellion?
1661 led to a returned to a conservative government
What the was the name of the new government?
Cavalier parliament
What was the aims of the Cavalier parliament?
It seeked revenge not conciliation
What did the Convention Parliament use to set clear limit on royal prerogative?
Common Law
How did the Cavalier Parliament weakened parliament?
Militia Act 1661 and Triennial Act 1664
Where were the details of religion to be decided?
The Savoy Palace in London
Who attended the Savoy conference?
Presbyterian Royalists
High Church Party
What did Venners uprising strengthen?
The High Church Party
What did the Act of Uniformity in 1662 do?
Allowed non conformists to be able to be expelled and driven out of existance
What did the Convention parliament do?
They offered Charles less money than he needed so he would have to rely on regular taxation as couldnt force loans
What was the Hearth Tax?
Raised 250,000 pounds each year and was assesed by the amount of Hearths you had in each house
What problems were foreshadowed by Charles II's announcement when he reached Dover?
He was not King in parliament as sees God as having granted him power.
Why did the Cavalier parliament not Grant Charles II more money?
They didnt agree with his spending and saw it as irresponsible and still wanted a role for Parliament
What did Parliament introduce in 1673
The Test Act
What did the Test Act do?
Forced holders of public office to deny key Catholic Doctrines
and led to no Catholics in public office or political roles
What did the Test Act lead to?
Resignation of Lord Treasurer Clifford and Charles Brother James as Lord Admiral
What did Charles do after Clifford resigned?
appointed Thomas Osborne and Earl of Danby
What did Danby do?
Manages foreign policy in favour of the Dutch
Who did Danby organise the marriage of?
William of Orange and James Protestant Daughter
Who did Danby upset with his foreign policy ideas?
Anthony Ashley Cooper-Earl of Shaftesbury who wanted toleration not uniformity
What did Shaftsbury do due to his disillusionment?
Organised opposition with like minded allies against Charles which would be later known as the Whigs
How did Danby remain in favor?
Used gifts and bribery to gain support based on acces to royal patronage
What did Charles II face from 1678 onwards?
Popish Plot
Exclusion Crisis
Rye House Plot
Who Posed the challenge during the Popish Plot?
The Jesuits
The French
Who discovered the Popish plot?
Titus Oates and Anglican priest in1678
What was the Plan of the Popish Plot?
A plot to murder Charles II and replace him with his Catholic brother James
What Happened during the Popish Plot?
The Magistrate Oates told the story to was found dead in a Public park and investigations revealed the former employee of the Duke of York sending letters to Jesuit and French agents
How did Charles respond to the Popish Plot?
He did little to begin with
The Broadsheets began to sensationalize the story
Parliament accepted the Premise
What were the Outcome of the Popish plot?
Shaftsbury used this as a way to challenge Danbys power in saying the use of bribes was linked to activities described by Oates and Danbys as treasonous
What did Shaftsbury attempt in 1678?
Impeach him due to evidence of him accepting bribes from France
How did Charles attempt to save danby?
Dissolving Parliament in 1679
How did Charles fail in attempting to save Danby?
Elections proved an Anti Danby majority
Why was a the exclusion crisis triggered by the Popish plot?
Shaftsbury tried to push through a law excluding James from succesion
What did Court consist of?
In the Kings favour
Older men were Lords Younger were Mps
High society
Fought with Charles in civil war
What did the Country consist of?
Not in the Kings favour
May be Lords
Fought against Charles in CW
Cromwell, Pym Junto
What did the Whigs want politically?
More reform in Parliaments favour
What did the Whigs want religiously?
Pro toleration of dissenters but strongly anti-catholic
What did the Tories want politically?
Pro monarchy and restrict parliamentary power
What did the Tories want Religiously?
Anglican and supportive of Clarendon code, anti toleration
anti catholic anti dissenters
Why was Charles torn?
Had to show support for Danby
Agreed more with Shaftsbury religous attitude
Who was leader of the Whigs?
Ashley Cooper (shaftsbury)
Who was the leader of the Tories?
Thomas Osborne (danby)
What happened politically in 1660-1667?
Earl of Clarendon helped with the restoration and created the Clarendon Code
What happened politically in 1667-1673?
Clarendon was used as the Scapegoat after loss of Second anglo dutch war and was replaced by Cabal
Who was in the Cabal?
Clifford, Ashley Cooper, Buckingham, Arlington and Lauderdale
What happened politically in 1673-1678?
The Test Act revealed Clifford to be Catholic and Cabal disbanded
What happened politically in 1678-1679?
Danby was found to be doing Charles II bidding who took £100,000 from France to promise to defend Catholicism
What happened politically in 1679?
Charles tried to save Danby but in 1679 whig majority leading to more power to Shaftesbury then launching the exclusion crisis
What was the context to the Exclusion crisis?
Shaftsbury and the Whigs disliked uniformity
Popish Plot
Charles defence of Danby in 1679
Election results
What was the aims of the Exclusion crisis?
Exclude James from the line of sucession
How did Charles respond to the Exclusion crisis?
Dissolved parliament to prevent its passing
How significant was the exclusion crisis?
Highlighted the struggle between King and Parliament creating deep political divisions
Establishment of parties
What was the background issues of the Rye House plot?
Continued hostility to Catholicism and failure of Parliament to exclude James from succession
Charles blocking 3 exclusion bills
Treatment of Shaftsbury
Who posed the problem in the rye house plot?
What was the aim of the Rye House Plot?
Assassinate Charles II and James
How did Charles respond to the Rye House Plot?
Exiled Shaftsbury
Arrested Whigs
Didnt call parliament for the rest of his reign
What were the consequences of the Rye House Plot?
Didnt call parliament for the rest of his reign
How significant was the Rye House plot?
Charles could govern without parliament but was unstable and was then continued by his Brother
What did Monmoth attempt in 1685?
Launch a rebellion in Dorset
How did Monmouth rebellion go?
Failed due to little support bad equip and poor preperation
he was beheaded
What did Monmouth failed rebeliion indicate?
Respect for Kings hereditary rights and fear of further political upheaval
How supportive were parliament of James?
Broadly supportive
How did Charles pose a threat to the rule of law?
His Character and Belief in Divine right of Kings
When Parliament refused to cooperate what did James do?
Behaved as an Autocrat and acted through Royal Prerogative
In 1685 what did Louis XIV do?
Revoked the Edict of Nantes (allowed him to increase Protestant persecution in France)
What did the new parliament in 1685 do regarding James?
A generous financial settlement giving him some Independence
What were the issues regarding James faith in 1685?
Posed a threat to Protestantism
What was the aim of James reign?
Establish religious and legal equality for Catholics
(issues dispensations which allowed Catholics to become army officers)
What was Godden V Hales 1686?
Legal case in England. King James II appointed Sir Edward Hales, a Catholic, as an army colonel without following the Test Act
Godden sued Hales, claiming the appointment was illegal.
The court ruled that the King could ignore such laws
What was James able to do in 1687?
Able to circumvent Parliamentary law and act in indiviual interest he wanted to assist
What did James behaviour in 1687 lead to?
Huge resentment to James’ building within Parliament
What were Catholics allowed to be appointed as in 1687?
What did James issue in 1687?
Declaration of Indulgence granting freedom of Worship to Catholic and Protestant dissenters
Did James genuinely believe in Toleration?
Yes as he was friends with the Quaker William Penn
What happened in 1688 that increased tensions?
James second wife Mary of Modena gave Birth to a son giving a Catholic male heir
What did James renew in 1688?
Declaration of Indulgence ordering it to be read from every Pulpit
What happened to 7 bishops in 1688?
Arrested and Charged due to refusing to read declaration of indulgence but were tried and acquitted
Why did parliaments mind change in 1688?
his previous marriage in 1688 had given 2 protestant daughters but now having a Catholic son meant there would be a line of Catholic succession
Why did the Lords turn on James II?
Society had became increasingly Catholic
Who did William Cavendish organise to takeover power?
William of Orange
When and where did William arrive?
Devon 1688
Where did James go in 1688?
Ran away and went into exile due to fear of what happened to Charles I
What did the Immortal 7 do?
Created a letter for William of Orange in code