Unconscious mind influences everything we do
Psychodynamic perspective
If a child behaves poorly, it is likely because they were rewarded somehow
Behavioral perspective
Anxiety is the result of repressed traumatic experiences in childhood
Psychodymanic perspective
Our behavior is a direct result of how we feel about ourselves
Behavioral perspective; Humanistic perspective
An imbalance of hormones can contribute to aggressive behavior
Biological perspective
Fears can be learned and unlearned
Behavioral perspective
Teachers will get students to study more by giving extra credit
Behavioral perspective
Excersising increases endorphins, thus improving
Biological perspective
"Change your thoughts, change your life."
Cognitive perspective
Treat mental illness with medication.
Biological approach
Perception, attention, thinking, language, memory
Cognitive perspective
Eating disorders are more prevalent in the West because we are constantly bombarded with images of thin, perfect bodies.
Social-cultural perspective
Which perspective uses the metaphor of comparing the human mind to a computer?
Which perspective emphasizes the idea that the people and groups around us are important in understanding human behavior?
Which perspective emphasizes the idea that we learn behaviors through rewards and punishment?
Which perspective would be most likely to state behavior is motivated by self-actualization and the promise of human potential?
Dr. Y is a cognitive psychologist. She is probably most interested in…
how people process information.
Behavior is powerfully influenced by its consequences, in the form of reinforcement and punishment.
Future behavior is influenced by memory and analysis of past experience.
If a child is behaving poorly, it is likely because this behavior has been rewarded somehow.
Which perspective would say that anxiety is the result of repressed traumatic childhood experiences?
Who is the founder of psychoanalysis?
Sigmund Freud
Allie is a _____. She thinks psychology should deal with the physiological causes of behavior.
Psychodynamic Psychologist; Biological Psychologist
Chuck is a _____. He thinks psychology should focus on how people think and solve problems.
Cognitive Psychologist
Which perspective believed psychology should only study observable and objectively described acts?
Which psychological perspective studies how the situation and our upbringing influence our behavior?
Wilhelm Wundt; broke down consciousness into object sensations and subjective feelings
Sigmund Freud; driven by unconsious desires
William James; focused mental processes adapt to current enviroment & practicality of psych.
John B. Watson; study of observable behavior
B. F. Skinner; added to Watson’s theory
Jean Piaget; studies mental processes
Cognitive Psych.
Max Wertheimer; focuses on perception