GOVT 0413 Performance Evaluation

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Performance Appraisal/Evaluation

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HRM Performance Evaluation (Chapter 9) Rewarding Human Resources

14 Terms


Performance Appraisal/Evaluation

...are useful tools for evaluating the work of employees but also for developing & motivating employees

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Performance Appraisal Objectives

•To determine who should be promoted, demoted, transferred, or terminated

•To determine who needs formal training and development opportunities

•To use as opportunities for individuals as a reward whose appraisals were positive

•To motivate and to improve performance

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Formal Appraisals

....usually occur at specified time periods once or twice a year

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Informal Appraisals

...can occur whenever the supervisor feels communication is needed

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Frequency of Performance Appraisals

Traditionally most organizations recommend that performance appraisals be done every 6 months to at least one year for employees

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Types of Performance Appraisal Methods/Techniques

  • Checklists

  • Graphic Rating Scale

  • Forced Choice Scale

  • Critical Incident Method

  • BARS-Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales

  • Paired Comparisons

  • Management By Objectives…

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Common Problems with Unsuccessful Performance Appraisals/Evaluation Systems

  • Poorly defined appraisal systems

  • Poorly communicated appraisal systems

  • Inappropriate appraisal systems

  • Unmonitored appraisal systems

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Perceptual Errors in Evaluation

  • Halo Effect

  • Stereotyping

  • Attributions

  • Recency Effects

  • Leniency/Strictness Errors

  • Central Tendency Errors

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Halo Effect

...-rater allows one trait to override a realistic appraisal of other traits of an employee

  • An employee may be evaluated as a good performer-not because of actual performance- but because of the halo effect

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...-rater places an employee into a class or category based on one or a few traits

This perceptual error can negatively impact the overall appraisal process

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...-rater assigns causation for someone’s behaviour

This perceptual error can affect the validity of a performance evaluation based on the attributions the rater makes about an employee’s Behaviour

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Recency Effects

...-rater evaluates performance using information that occurred most recently

  • In essence, a supervisor evaluates an employee’s most recent behaviour

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Leniency/Strictness Errors

...-rater tends to use one of the extremes of a rating scale

This includes either very favourable ratings though unwarranted by an employee’s performance

Strictness Errors- the opposite occurs, when a rater inaccurately evaluates most employees unfavorably

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Central Tendency Errors

...-rater avoids the extremes of performance scale & evaluates most employees somewhere down the middle of a scale

The result is that most employees are evaluated somewhere down the middle of a scale

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