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invisible hand
supply and demand, adjusted to circumstances. individuals act in their own interest that benefit economy as a whole. fewer mouths to feed, demand for food plummeted, sharp decline in prices of food. survivors of black death relatively wealthier than prior
God had created the orderly universe which could be understood through the application of human reason. Question whether humans could ever truly understand the wil of God
standard of living
material wellbeing of the average in a given population
Christian humanism
relgious movement that focused on self fulfillment of humanity within framework of christian principles
civic humanism
connection between flourishing humanistic outlook and an active and celebratory approach to public affairs . appreciation of learned culture to political life
group of people lviing together sharing possessions and responsibilities
defining element of the Renaissance, centered on human interests or values. rejected supernaturalism, stressed individuals self worth and capacity
printing press
invention that made it feasible to produce printed literaure on a wide range of subjects —> growing literate population in towns