Test study guide
Commits suicide before arrested
Herman Goring
Lead defendant in Nuremberg Trials and committed suicide before executed
Rudolph Hess
Hitler's deputy, received life sentence
Carl Donitz
10 years in prison, U-Boat commander
George Kennan
Father of the containment policy, wrote about the Soviet Union and American policy makers in the Cold War
Marshall Plan
A United States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe (1948-1952)
Harry Truman
Created the Truman Doctrine. 1948, Worried about the election because he was being called "soft" on communism
In charge of Air Force during Berlin Airlift
Joseph Stalin
Blockaded Berlin and forced the U.s. to make a decision
1st president of Czechoslovakia after the collapse of communism in 1989
Winston Churchill
Iron curtain speech about soviet influence in Eastern Europe
Nikita Khrushchev
Soviet leader who presided over the construction of the Berlin Wall
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Soviet Leader who made the USSR more capitalist
Lech Walesa
A Polish politician, a former trade union and human rights activist, also ran a labor union.
Robert Jackson
Supreme Court Justice that presided over the Nuremberg Trials
Douglas MacArthur
In charge of US occupation in Japan
In the election of 1948, Truman
Scared of losing because he was being soft about communism
Pope John Paul II
Activist conservative pope from Poland 1978-2005 who helped bring down European communism
Long Telegraph
Written by George Kennan; outlines the Containment Policy
Czechoslovakia after Cold War
divided peacefully into two nations: Czech rebublic and slovakia.
Domino Theory
A theory that if one nation comes under Communist control, then neighboring nations will also come under Communist control. Worried about smaller countries
Berlin Airlift, 1948
Civilians trapped in East Berlin under Soviet control
American policy of resisting further expansion of communism around the world
North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country; US, England, France, Canada, Western European countries
command economy
An economic system in which the government controls a country's economy. Soviet's economy during the Cold War
Warsaw Pact
An alliance between the Soviet Union and other Eastern European nations. This was in response to the NATO. Soviet Union created a buffer zone between them and Germany
Muslim Warriors that fought against the Soviet Union. Funded by the United States.
A period of relaxed tension during the Cold War, more agreement
Name of the first labor union inside the Soviet Union
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, used to limit defensive weapons
Spirit of openness which allowed for criticism of the government
restructuring of the Russian economy
anti-ballistic missiles; missiles that could shoot down other missiles from hostile countries
United Nations
Two Parts: General Assembly and Security Counsel Security Counsel: Decides where to send troops
Neutrality Assured Destruction
If one side used nuclear weapons the other would retaliate
Nuremberg Trials and why they were there
that is where Hitler and the Nazis passed the Nuremberg Laws
Downsides of President Trumans absence during the Berlin Airlift
It would've surrendered West Berlin to communism
He appeared soft on communism
Would've been responsible for the starvation of citizens in Berlin
Why the United States became the lead superpower post WW2
Had atomic weapons
Had the strongest economy in the world
Had an unmatched Navy and Air Force
suffered minimal casualties in WW2
Why the Soviet Union's power & influence diminished after the Cold War
Spent too much money on weapons
Workers had little incentive to work
It's economic system was inefficient
The population wanted to move away from communism
Why did the United States and Soviet Union dislike each other?
had different economic and political ideologies
Other nations had developed nuclear weapons without telling the Soviets
The other allies took a long time to open the second front against Germany in WW2
The Soviets partnered with Germany
Brain Drain
People were leaving East Germany
Soviets invasion of Afghanistan
1979 - Gorbachev removed troops