long run of relative frequencies; between 0 & 1;
short term—>unpredictable
long term—>predictable
Law of Large Numbers
If we do something many many times, the results will start to match the expected probability more closely
imitation of chance behavior based on a model that accurately reflects the situation (dice, flip a coin, applets, random # generator)
Simulation process
Describe how you simulate 1 trial (one repetition)
Perform many trials
Use the results to answer the question
Mutually exclusive
can’t occur together
probability of an event not happening (Ac)
Random Process
all possible outcomes that can occur are known, but individual outcomes are unknown; generates results that are determined by chance
result of a trial of a random process
collection of outcomes
Sample Space
collection of all possible non-overlapping outcomes
Adding/substracting a constant c
shape: same; center: ± by c (mean & median); variability: same (if there is an equation that says to add or subtract to find the sd, don’t do it)
Multiplying/Dividing a constant c
shape: same; center: multiple/divide by c (mean and median); variability: multiply/divide by c
binary: each trial is a success or failure; independent: each trial is independent of each other; number of trials: fixed; same probability of success for each trial
Interpreting Mean
after many many trials, the average # of success context is mean out of n
Interpreting SD
the number of success context typically varies by SD from the mean of ___ out of n
10% condition
When taking a random sample (w/o replcement) of size n from a population of size N we can use a binomial distribution if n<1/10N
Large Counts Condition
allows us to use normal distribution to model a normal distribution if np>=10 and n(1-p)>=10
Geometric: BITS
binary: each trial is a success or failure; independent: each trial is independent of each other; trials until first success occurs (not fixed); same probability of success for each trial
Describing Geometric Distributions
shape: always skewed to the right
random variable
a random process whose outcomes are numerical values
discrete random variable (x)
takes a fixed number of values with gaps between values